Happy Veteran’s Day

Happy Veteran’s Day everyone!

Monday is the final day to order an Original Work, something with your child’s artwork printed on it. Be sure to get your orders in. Proceeds go directly to our classroom and we get to choose how we use the money, like on more field trips.

Next week is the last week before Thanksgiving break. Next Friday the 18 will be the last day of school until November 28.

Home projects should be brought in next week. These are the projects on family trees and a short family biography. If your child is unable to get their home project turned in this week, please let me know so we can work something else out.

With the help of Ms. SarahJo we have been learning some sign language and working on our manners. Some of the signs we have learned are please, thank you, sorry, yes, no, I don’t know, wait, finished, work, play, and a few others. We are also working on our manners at lunch such as not putting our elbows on the table and chewing with our mouth closed. We have also been doing some awesome at lessons with her. Our latest one is a class project of corn cob mozaics. I will get pictures of it when we have completed it.

I hope you all have a great weekend.


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