Happy October… Tomorrow

Yay, October! I am so excited that it is October. I love October! I love the leaves, the feel of the air, the cooling down, Halloween, football. Everything is so great in October, I think!

Along with October comes the end of normalization. We will be setting up sign ups for parents to come in and help in the classroom with reading and things like that. I am so excited to have parents coming and helping and being in the room with the kids.

The MMA Fall Festival is coming up on Friday October 14 from 4 – 7pm. It’s a fun evening for the kids, and it raises money for MAPA, which goes back into supporting the needs of the school. The evening includes food, bounce houses, and games. As a class, we are responsible for monitoring one of the bounce houses and putting on a game. We need parent volunteers to get this done. At a minimum, we need one adult at the “Gladiator Joust” bounce house and one adult at the Nerf Gun Target game station throughout the night. Please sign up for one-hour shifts using the following link:

Don’t forget to sign up for helping with the field trips if you are able, or just let me know if you can take your own child.

If at all possible, please help your child pick the book they will be doing their book report on by Wednesday. We will have the computers in our classroom that day. I am hoping to help many of the students start their book reports that day.

This week for cultural we  learned about botany. Ms. Rachael came on Monday and taught a botany lesson to the class. It was wonderful and a great introduction to out cultural this week.

We played kickball in P.E. While our class isn’t quite an all star team, they had fun and played well together.

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Have a great weekend.


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