Monthly Archives: April 2016

Continent Study

All throughout April we have been learning about globes, maps and continents. Ms. Lacey planned a super fun continent map art project for the kids, which we worked on on Friday, and will continue working on this coming week. This … Continue reading

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Junior High Bazaar

Please see the attached flyer for information on the Junior High Bazaar this Saturday! email blog announcement

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Field Trip Info

Parents, We will be meeting at the Ogden Frontrunner Station on Thursday, April 21 at 8.10 am. The train will leave at 8.37 am, and arrive at North Temple Station at 9.33 am. From there we will actually be going … Continue reading

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The Week in Pictures

As a parent, I wonder what my son works on in school, and how much of what he tells me is accurate. I am sure many of you feel the same way. This week I would like to share some … Continue reading

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Home Projects

Dear Parents, Our last home projects  for this school year are coming up soon, and I would like to take a few minutes to update you on what we have been working on with your children as far as presenting … Continue reading

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Discovery Gateway Museum Field Trip

Dear Parents, our field trip to the Discovery Gateway Museum was approved today, and we are good to go. I will be sending the field trip forms home with your children tomorrow. Please send them back ASAP so that the … Continue reading

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Placemats, Waterbottles and Slippers

Now that the blog server is back up I can send out the very late reminder to please send your child’s placemat, waterbottle and slippers with them tomorrow. Thanks, Marleen

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Parents, our blog server was down for most of spring break. They fixed it this morning, however, a few of the current posts could not be recovered. I reposted them, so, sorry in advance if you get emails with the … Continue reading

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April 1, 2016

Our first ever literacy week was a huge success. The kids loved making the giant A for the hallway. We chose to decorate it using copies of The Berenstain’s A Book. Every day of the week, several kids wrote words … Continue reading

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Parents, we currently do not have anyone signed up for snack for the following weeks: April 11-15 April 18-22 May 9-13 May 16-20 Unfortunately, Ms. Lacey and I will not be able to provide snack for all of the weeks. … Continue reading

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