March 24, 2016

We had a great work week this week. Most of the kids finished their works for the entire week, and everyone earned to be part of the level 3 dinosaur lesson yesterday. We had Ms. Lacey’s son Jack present about dinosaurs, share his knowledge, and facilitate a fun activity in which everyone was able to participate. The kids had a blast to say the least!


Please have your child bring in their favorite book (if they haven’t yet) so that we can take a picture for our literacy week door decorating contest. We are making cards with pictures of us holding/reading our favorite book. I will be sending the cards home once literacy week is over.

I sent level 1s home with a small homework today. This week we have been studying History in the afternoon, and level 1s talk about timelines and family trees. Please help your child fill out the rest of their family tree, and have them bring it back on Monday so that they can tell us about it.

A quick reminder… Although the “I wonder” home projects were due last week, we have quite a few students who have not brought theirs to class yet. Please make sure to have them bring it in by Monday if they would like to still present it to the other students.

Thanks, and have a great Easter weekend!



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