What an exciting Week

Hello everyone,

it has been one exciting and different week for us to say the least.

As everyone knows by now, Jalee and her husband Eric welcomed a healthy baby boy, Sawyer, into this world on March 2. He was 5 lbs 9 oz and 17 inches. Jalee was discharged from the hospital, however, Sawyer will be staying in the NICU for a little while longer. Jalee will keep you all updated through the blog and email.

I would like to take the time to say thank you to you and especially to your children for having been so patient with me this week. I have always know that we have an amazing class, but this past week has shown me just how independent, kind and understanding all of your children are. I could not have asked for better children to be around. They truly did an incredible job at helping me with lessons, checking off, doing chores around the class, and most of all behaving themselves. Other teachers comment on how well behaved and respectful our class is all the time!!

On Monday, Lacey will start helping out in our class room. I have known her for a little while now, and I am convinced that she will be a great asset to our class community. She will be taking over some of my responsibilities such as reading groups and class room management; however, my goal is to teach her some of the basic ‘works’, so that she will be able to give some secondary lessons and aid the kids if they need help or get stuck on something.

We will still be having the baby sprinkle on Thursday afternoon. Jalee has mentioned to me that she would love to come visit that day to see the kids, and to tell them about Sawyer. She will obviously not be bringing the baby, but it will be a great time for her to share some pictures with us. If you have a gift for the Schofield family, please send it with your child that day, or you may send money (as suggested by Dixie) in a sealed envelope, and either Dixie or I will buy a gift card for Jalee and her family with the collected money.

If you signed up to bring Jalee and Eric a meal during her recovery, please contact me for their address and directions, or you may send the food with your child, and I will take it to them. We have several fridges available throughout the school; I am sure there will be room in one of them to keep the meal fresh.

Please don’t hesitate to email me with any questions or concerns, and thank you for everything you do!


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