Welcome February! Can you believe that February starts next week and that today was the 100th day of school? Time sure flies.

Parent Teacher Conferences are in a week and a half. They are Tuesday through Thursday, February 9 – 11. These will also be early out days. We will not have school Friday the 12 or Monday the 15.  Please sign up for a conference. If you are able, please bring your child with you. They will help guide the conference. If you are unable to make it to any of the available times, let me know and we will work something out.

We will also be having a Valentine’s party on the morning of the 11th. We will probably need a few volunteers and supplies. Once all the details are worked out, I will let you know. The kids can also bring Valentine cards and/or treats for each student. To avoid confusion, please do not put who the card is for, only who it is from. From past experience, it causes a lot of confusion and extra time if kids are digging for a certain child’s name to put in their box. We have 29 students in our class plus Ms. Marleen and I. The students are not required to bring anything for anyone, it is definitely just an option.

The home projects that have been presented have been wonderful. Thank you so much for your support with those. We will continue presenting next week. If your child has not brought theirs yet, they can bring it next week.

We have a field trip coming up to the Clark Planetarium on Thursday, February 25. We are waiting on a few things to make sure it is a go. For now, plan on that date. We will take Frontrunner and TRAX and love it when parents come.

Thank you for all your support and time.



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