Labor Day

Hello All,

Quick reminder that Monday is Labor Day and we will not be having school.

We started work cycle this week. Ms. Marleen and I were busy every morning giving lots of lessons in math and language so that all our friends would have works to choose and do. We still have a lot of lessons to give. We have also been giving assessments so we know exactly where every child is and give them the lessons and works they need to help them learn best and grow.

I did not get a chance to start cultural so that will start next week. We did give the great lessons like the history of writing and math. We also started our study on Asia today. We talked about where it is located on the map and located some better known countries. We also learned about Johann Sebastian Bach and Vincent van Gogh today. We unfortunately didn’t get time to paint using techniques van Gogh used, so we had to setting for coloring his Starry Night painting.

We also finished our first read aloud book. We read a condensed version of Treasure Island. My plan is to watch the Disney movie Treasure Planet with the kids and compare and contrast the two using a venn diagram.

Something to put on your calendars: Tuesday, the 15 will be the first box top store this year. I have created a page with the flyer for it at the top of the blog. Save your box tops and your child can trade them in for tickets to purchase things like pencils, erasers, water bottles, etc. Every 5 box tops will give them 1 ticket. Smaller things like the erasers cost 1 ticket and it goes up from there.

I hope you all enjoy your long weekend.

Take care and thanks for all you do.


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