Week 3

Hello All,

Here comes week three and happy birthday to Maria Montessori tomorrow on August 31. I am excited to share with your students about her life and work and do some activities as well.

We will be starting our work cycle this week. This means that we will be starting our math and language works and lessons. We will be expecting 3 or more works to start with and then move up to 6. We will be doing large math operations which is adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing using two or more digits. We will also be doing small operations which is learning their facts up to 20. For example 4+7=11, 6×12=72. We will also start teaching fractions, geometry, and measurement.

We will also be doing great lessons on the History of Math and the History of Language. I also plan on starting cultural lessons this week. We will start with history. Level ones will be learning about time, how long is a day, and journals. Level twos will be learning about things happening during the creation of the universe such as friction and inertia. Level threes will be learning about the timeline of earth starting from it’s creation.

We are excited that P.E. and music also start this week. We will be doing P.E. on Tuesdays. Please make sure your child has shoes that are good to run in that day like tennis shoes. Regardless of the shoes your child wears, they will be expected to participate so help them out by having them where good exercise shoes.

I have had a few parents wonder about sending peanut butter in your child’s lunches because of Ms. Marleen’s allergy. She feels that it is okay to send PB&Js with your child. However, your child will need to make sure they are staying in their seat while eating it and not wonder around as some tend to do at the beginning of the year. We are working with them all on this and also on cleaning up well afterwords to make sure that no peanut butter is left where Ms. Marleen can get it on her hands. So far, peanut butter in lunches has not been a problem. If it becomes one, we will let you know. Thank you for your concern and care for Ms. Marleen.

Looking forward to next week: we will not have school on Monday, September 7 due to Labor day.

Thank you for all your support. Please email MEĀ with any questions or concerns. As a reminder, my email is jschofield@mariamontessoriacademy.org.


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