It’s Here!

Can you believe it? The first week of school is already here. School starts for everyone at MMA on Monday. All of next week will be early out days so please plan on picking your child up at 1 pm. Please help us during pickup by being patient. Pickup during the first couple of weeks of school will take longer than normal. North Shore is still open and has asked that we not do pickup at the North Shore parking lot until after labor day. This combined with everyone getting used to the pickup process will make pickup a bit longer and more stressful for all. Please help us by being patient and watchful so we can ensure a safe and quick pickup. For drop off, Ms. Marleen will be standing out front with a sign that has our names on it to help those students who are still unsure or nervous about finding the classroom. Please do not walk your child into the school.

I am so excited to see all the kids again and get to know all the new ones. This is going to be a great year!


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