One More Week

I cannot believe that school starts next week. Time flies. I am excited to see all the kids.

Quit a few updates for you:
School supplies can be brought in anytime this week.
Wejoinin for our snack sign up is on the blog. There is a link to the right of the page or you can go to
Back to school night is this Thursday, the 13th. All are invited. From 6:30 to 7 is Montessori 101 for those that are new to the school or just want a refresher. You are welcome to bring you kids. We will have some teachers and assistants monitoring the playground during this time for you. At 7 you will need to collect your children and take them with you to the classrooms. From 7 to 8 will be time you can spend with the teachers. I will be doing an open house style so you can come and go as you please. Feel free to bring you children to this to meet me and Ms. Marleen or just say hi if they cannot make it one more week. 🙂
New student orientation will be Friday, the 14th from 1-1:45. This is for all new students to the school and all first graders. This allows them some time before school actually starts to get acquainted with the school and classroom and helps the feel more at ease for next week. Please drop your child off at the front of the school. Ms. Marleen will be standing out front with a sign that says our name. It is important for the students that you let them come in without you so they can get used to coming in on their own. We will be there Friday and the first couple days next week to help them find their way if they need it.
School supplies can be brought to back to school night.

Thanks for all you do.



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