Last Week of School

Can you believe it!? It is the last week of school already!

There are quite a few reminders and important things regarding this coming week. We do not have school on Monday, May 25, because of Memorial Day. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday are all half days so please make sure your child is picked up at 1 pm these days. Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday are also parent teacher conferences. Please sign up if you have not already. We would love to have your child at the conferences with us to share with you about their year. If you can bring them with you that would be great. The sign-up website isĀ The book fair will also be in the library Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 1 – 6:30. All books are buy on get one free, I believe.

We will also be having spirit week this coming week. Tuesday will not be a dress up day due to level 3 bridging. Students will be expected to wear school uniform. Wednesday is crazy hair/hat day. Thursday is crazy sock day (school uniform is still expected Wednesday and Thursday). Friday is dress down or pajamas day. We will also be getting our year books this Friday. If you did not order one, I am sorry to say you will not be able to get one for this year.

This next part is mainly for level 3 parents concerning bridging. Level 3s will be having their bridging ceremony on Tuesday at 11:30. If you child would like to dress up for this they may or they can just wear school uniform. We are hoping the weather cooperates as we are planning on having the ceremony outside by the playground. You may want to bring a chair to sit on even if it does not rain in case the grass is wet. After the ceremony we are hoping we can do a picnic lunch outside that you are welcome to join. If we cannot, we will be eating in the classroom. Our students will be welcomed into upper el by Ms. Nicoletta’s class because they are the class we did mentoring with this year. ThisĀ does not mean your child will be in her class next year. Class lists for upper el have not be completed yet and so we do not know who your child will have has a teacher next year.

I hope you all enjoy your extra day this Memorial Day weekend.

Take care.

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