Last Two Weeks

I cannot believe we are down to the last 2 weeks of school. This year seems to have flown by.

This coming week isn’t too busy. We will have kindergarten shadowing in our classroom Monday and Tuesday morning. Wednesday will be the bridging ceremony for kindergarten. The student who shadow in our classroom will most likely be the ones we add to our class family next year. Friday is field day. We will be having our field day in the morning.

Next week will be busy. We do not have school next Monday, May 25 because of Memorial Day. Tuesday through Friday will be all half days. We will also do a sort of spirit week next week. Our class, and most other lower elementary classes will not be doing a dress up day that day due to 3rd grade bridging (more info on that for level 3 parents in the next couple days). Wednesday the 27 will be crazy hair/hat day. Thursday the 28 will be crazy sock day. Friday the 29 will be the last day of school and it will be dress down/pajama day. The last day of school will also be the  day that those who ordered year books will receive one.

The last week of school is also parent teacher conferences. The will be Tuesday through Thursday. Here is the link for sign-ups: Conferences will be student led so please plan for your child to join us for them.

Thanks for all you do.


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