


Thank you all so much and especially to your children for the beautiful bouquet today. It definitely brightens up the room.

Just a few updates and reminders.

Field trip permission slips are due tomorrow! Please send them with your child. Our field trip is next Monday, May 11. Please make sure your child is at the Ogden Eccles Dinosaur Park at 8:45. The address is 1544 E. Park Blvd, near the mouth of Ogden Canyon. Send them with a sack lunch that does not need to be heated up. We will spend the day there. There is a gift shop if you would like to send them with some money for that. We will be leaving the park at 2 pm. Please arrange for your child to be picked up at that time. If you are unable to get your child there or back, please let me know. We have a few certified drivers who will be able to transport students.

I forgot to send the reminder slips home that our room mother Ms. Genny has been making for us today. Tomorrow is make a card or picture for your teacher and assistant day.

The contest for designing next years MMA teacher has begun. Please see the flyer that is on a page at the top of the blog.

Don’t forget about the spelling bee on Friday. Upper el from 9-10 and lower el from 1-2.

Thanks so much for all you do.

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