Monthly Archives: May 2015


Hello All, Our two hamsters are in need of a summer home. If you would like to take care of them for the summer please let me know. Just know that Marshmellow bites. I have been trying to hold him … Continue reading

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Level 3 Bridging

Level 3 parents: Don’t forget that tomorrow, Tuesday, is level 3 bridging at 11:30. All are invited to come.

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Last Week of School

Can you believe it!? It is the last week of school already! There are quite a few reminders and important things regarding this coming week. We do not have school on Monday, May 25, because of Memorial Day. Tuesday, Wednesday, … Continue reading

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Fat Boys Ice Cream

Just a reminder that Fat Boys ice cream orders are due tomorrow. They are $25.00 a box for either the ice cream sandwiches or the nut sundae bars. Make checks payable to MMA Jr. High. Also, due to kindergarten bridging … Continue reading

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Last Box Tops Store

Don’t forget, tomorrow is the last box tops store of the year. If you forget to send box tops to school with your child tomorrow you can still send them and our school will get money for them. They just … Continue reading

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Last Two Weeks

I cannot believe we are down to the last 2 weeks of school. This year seems to have flown by. This coming week isn’t too busy. We will have kindergarten shadowing in our classroom Monday and Tuesday morning. Wednesday will … Continue reading

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The link for parent teacher conference sign-ups has been updated. Here it is, or it is to the right of the page.

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Don’t Forget

Don’t forget tomorrow is the dinosaur park field trip. Please make sure your child is there by 8:45. Please pick your child up from the dinosaur park at 2. If you are unable to take your child there, please bring … Continue reading

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Dino Park

Hello, Just a reminder that Monday is our dinosaur park field trip. Please let me know if you will be coming with your child. I need to know this so I know who needs to be put into groups with … Continue reading

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  Thank you all so much and especially to your children for the beautiful bouquet today. It definitely brightens up the room. Just a few updates and reminders. Field trip permission slips are due tomorrow! Please send them with your child. … Continue reading

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