Box Tops Store


I hope you are all enjoying this weekend.

Thank you to all who were able to donate jars and flowers. We decorated the jars and delivered them with flowers to everyone who works at the school. So many of them said it was wonderful and thanked me, but truly it was the students who should be thanked. They worked hard together.

Just a reminder that the box tops store is this Wednesday the 22.

We have a field trip to the dinosaur park on Monday, May 11. The permission slip will be coming home the week before.

The next home projects will be due the week of May 11. for this final home project it will be student’s choice. They can pick to do their report on what they want as long as it is school appropriate. Please make sure they find at least 5 facts about whatever they choose. For example, if they want to present on somewhere they went for a trip, include some fun facts about the place.

Thank you for all you do.


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