Classroom Book

Hello All,

I hope you have all enjoyed your week with the rain and beautiful weather.

Just a reminder that I need ALL order forms for our book back by next Thursday. Even if you do not want to order a book please mark the No box and send it back so we can get a free book for our classroom. I am so excited for the book. Our students have been working hard and I love the stories! You will love them too.

Next Wednesday, the 18 is the boxtops store. Please make sure all your boxtops are cut out and counted. This makes things easier on me and on the wonderful moms who volunteer to help.

We have all finished up with our art projects that you will be able to order items printed on. More information for that will be coming next week.

Don’t forget about our home projects. They can be brought in anytime they are done. If they get done before spring break that would be great. If not, please make sure they are here the week we get back. Spring break is in 2 weeks, March 30-April 3.

Thanks for all you do!

Take care.


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