It’s Earth Day Everyday


Happy Saturday Everyone!

Just wanted to share this picture of some of our class friends. They took it upon themselves to clean up our school grounds during recess. They were not asked or expected to do this but chose to. They did it during our recess and free time we had one day and have been doing it every recess ever since. A big thanks to these friends and the ones not pictured that have been helping out.

Just a reminder that parent teacher conferences are this coming Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 1:30 to 7. There are still plenty of sign up spots. Here is the link If you are unable to make it this week please let me know so we can set up a different time that will work better for you. Please bring your child with you as they will be helping present the conference. There will also be a book fair in the library during these days. It will be from 1-6.

We will NOT be having school this Friday or next Monday the 16th. We will be having our Valentine party this coming Thursday. Your child can bring Valentine cards and treats for the class if they would like. If your child brings candy, please have it in a sealed white envelope. We have 28 students and two teachers in our class. There is a class list in a previous post if you want to address the cards with the students’ names. The easiest thing to do is only put who it is from. This makes passing out the cards go much faster. Your child can also bring a box to put the cards in if they want. We will be taking some time Monday afternoon to decorate boxes if they want to bring it to school and do it. Cereal boxes work great. There is a sign up to help with the party or donate things to the left of the blog or in a previous post.

We have our field trip to the planetarium a week from Wednesday. I will be having you sign the permission slips at conferences. If you are not signed up by Monday afternoon, I will send the slip home with your child. These must be returned no later than this Thursday the 12th.

Home projects were supposed to be due the week after conferences. However, I realized that we won’t have Monday or Wednesday to present them that week so if your child brings them in the week after, that will be fine. I sent a pink paper home with the person your child is assigned to do. If you do not have this paper let me know and I will get you another. This paper does not need to be filled out. It has things on it I would like included in the project.

I know this was long, but thank you for taking the time to read it. Enjoy the rest of the weekend.


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