Missed the Weekend


I am so sorry I didn’t get the blog updated over the weekend. Between the Utah Montessori Conference and the Superbowl, I didn’t get it done. I also apologize because we have a lot of updates.

I know we are half way through the year and it is tempting to slack off on things, but it is really important to stay on top of things and continue on like it is the beginning of the year. One specific thing Ms. Marleen and I have noticed we could improve on is the dress code. Here is the link for the dress full dress code: Dress-Code-Policy-MMA-signed-04.08.14. It is only two pages and does not take long to read. Please go over this and familiarize yourself with it. One of the main issues we’ve seen are with bottoms.

Color: Any solid color.
Material: Cotton, twill, corduroy.
Style: Plain, pleated, cargo; no sagging or baggy pants.
Skirts/jumpers/shorts: Pleated or straight; hemlines should fall below fingertips when arms are extended down sides of body. Leggings must be worn with skirts/dresses.
Tights/hose/leggings: Solid colors only; leggings may be worn under skirts/dresses/skorts.

Please make sure that skirts and jumpers are long enough and that the bottoms are the right material.

We have drawn names for our home projects. I sent home pink papers last week with the name of your student’s person. If your child was not here and did not get a paper, I will be sending those home tomorrow with them.

Our field trip is coming up on Wednesday the 18. We are going to the Clark Planetarium. We will be taking Trax and Frontrunner. Please have your child at the Frontrunner station on Wall Street at 7:40 that morning. We will be arriving back at about 2:50 that afternoon. We had a few openings for parents to be guaranteed a spot to watch the IMAX film with our class. These have been filled. We would still love it if you wanted to come. Just please let me know if you are coming.

Parent teacher conferences are next week. They will be Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday starting at 1:30. These are also short days. Please make sure you have arrange to have your child picked up at 1. I have the sign up sheets for you. The conferences will be every half hour. We are working on some things for your students to show you. Please bring your child with you if you are able. It is such a great experience for them to lead the conference. Here is the website for signing up: http://www.wejoinin.com/sheets/fwijs.

Last thing. Jr. High is selling carnations for Valentine’s Day. A pink paper was sent home with the information today.

We will also be having a Valentine’s party next Thursday, the 12th. I will have more info on volunteering for that soon. Your child can also bring Valentine’s for everyone if they choose. Please have the card/treat/gift in a sealed envelope. We will be taking some time Monday afternoon to decorate boxes at school if the students would like to. The best box I have found for this is a cereal box. You can send the box anytime you would like. Your student can also make one at home or not make one if they choose.

I know this was a lot but thanks for taking the time to read it.

Thanks for all you do.

Ms. Jalee

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