No School Monday

Good Afternoon,

Just a reminder that we will not be having school on Monday. It is Martin Luther King Jr. day.

Our next home project is coming up. Since February is Black History Month, yesterday was Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday, and Monday is MLK day, we will be doing a report on a famous African American from history. We will draw names for this on Tuesday. I will send a paper home with your student telling you who they have drawn. This paper will also include any information that should be on the report. These will be do the week after conferences, February 16th. However, if your child gets finished early, they may bring their report in and present it before.

Just some upcoming things for next month. Parent Teacher Conferences will be Tuesday February 10, Wednesday February 11, and Thursday February 12. Monday will be a full day but Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday of that week will be half days. We will have no school on Friday, February 13. Sign-ups for conferences will be up in the next week or two.

Level 3s will be doing their SAGE writing test on the afternoon of Wednesday, February 17. A more detailed email will follow for all level 3 parents.

We will be going on a field trip to Clark Planetarium on Thursday, February 18. We love having parents come. If you are able to come, please let me know ASAP. We will be seeing the film Hidden Universe in the IMAX theatre there. The first 10 parents to RSVP will get a discounted ticket and a guaranteed seat in the theater. We will be taking the Frontrunner and Trax like we did last year so as a parent you will need to pay for that ticket for yourself. We will have free wristbands for the students.

Thanks for all you do.

Enjoy your weekend.


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