International Festival

MMA’s 5th Annual International Festival 

December 17-19 

The much anticipated International Festival is back! Come explore the globe with the students of MMA. Students will be presenting their individual continent and country projects; sharing delicious cuisine and interesting facts. Learn Russian dancing and how the game of hopscotch is played around the world. Experience the excitement and learning of our youngest students to our oldest students. Younger siblings and other family members are welcome to join us for this fun and educational opportunity. This is a three day event with classrooms being open during the following times for self-directed tours. 

Wednesday, December 17th
Upper Elementary and Morning Early Childhood Presentations — 9-11am

Thursday, December 18th
UE Studio Instrumental Performance at 12:00
Junior High Orchestra Performance 12:45
Lower Elementary and Afternoon Early Childhood Presentations– 1-2:30pm

 Friday December 19th
Junior High 9-11am

*Level 3s will also be performing Thriller in the gym at two different times on Thursday afternoon. I will let you know these times as soon as I have them.

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