Thanksgiving is Next Week

I hope you have all had a good weekend. Winter is definitely coming. It is getting cold. High temperatures for this week are going to be in the 40s. We will continue to go outside for recess unless we are told it is too cold or if it is raining and too wet. Please make sure you send appropriate clothing with your children. Coats are a necessity and gloves and hats are a good idea too. When we get more snow, boots are the best idea for recess.

Thursday, Novemeber 20th is the annual Gratitude Feast!!
We will be hosting local Social Workers and Therapists. It’s going to be an intimate affair
that will take place in the Jr. High “yurtable”. A wejoinin link is available for families to
start signing up to donate prepared food or help on the day of the event.
To help with food donations:
To help at the Gratitude Feast:
This is such a special event to show our school’s gratitude to hard working members of
or community by serving them a Thanksgiving meal. Our class is working with Ms. Nicoletta’s class to make placemats for this event.

We will not have school at all next week, the week of November 24-28. Enjoy this time off with your families during this wonderful Thanksgiving time.

The next home project is going to be for the International Festival that is December 17 and 18. We have been studying the continent of Europe. Your child’s home project will need to be on something about Europe. They can choose to do it on a country, the money, animals, any historical landmarks, the sky is the limit. These will need to be done the week of December 15 so we can present them at the International Festival. Let me know if you have any questions.


Ms. Jalee

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