International Day of Peace

Our butterfly has emerged! It was so exciting to get back from the weekend and see the darkened cocoon gradually becoming transparent.20140915_140817_resized

I checked the cocoon at about 3:40 and then when I looked at it again at 4, there was a butterfly. I was hoping it would emerge when the kids were around or at least when I was watching so I could record it for the kids. But it is still an amazing thing. 20140915_163001_resized
This Sunday, The 21st is the International Day of Peace. On Thursday we will welcome Andrew Kutt of the Oneness Family Montessori School. Andrew has nearly 30 years of Montessori experience and a passion for music and peace. He is the author of Living in Harmony and many articles. We are excited to have him come and share in celebrating peace. As a school we are making pinwheels for peace that we will attach to our fences. We made them today and the kids loved them. They all wanted extras so they could make more. I told them I would put the template on the blog. There is a page for the pinwheels at the top.

Other exciting news. I just got a new hamster for our class and a Beta fish. This will be exciting and new for the kids.

Thanks for all your support.



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