Monthly Archives: August 2014

We Made It!

Wow, I cannot believe the first week is already over. It was definitely a fast paced, crazy, awesome week. As many of you know we got a new assistant this year. Her name is Ms. Marleen. She has a great … Continue reading

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Dress Code Reminder

Hello Everyone, What a wonderful week we are having! I always forget how crazy and exciting the first couple week of school are. So much to do. Just a reminder about the dress code. A few things we have noticed … Continue reading

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Almost There

Less than a week left before we start school. JustĀ a few housekeeping items. First of all, I need to sincerely apologize for a goof up on the supply list. I failed to put a 3 ring binder on it. It … Continue reading

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Update on Dropping off Supplies

The office has asked that you just leave your supplies at the office with your child’s name and my name on the bag(s). Please bring them this week. If you can’t please let me know and we will set up … Continue reading

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Supply drop off

Hello All, We are a week away from school starting. The supply list is on the blog and the best time to bring in supplies is this coming week. If you want to drop them off when I am available … Continue reading

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