
Hello Everyone,

I hope that you all have a wonderful 24th and a good weekend. I just have some updates for us going forward.

I have the snack sign-up sheet ready on wejoinin.com for you to sign up for the following school year. Please sign up for 1 or 2 weeks, only one person a week. I will send out an email the week before you have snack and you can always get on the website to check. The link is to the right of the page. When you have snack, you will be responsible for sending an appropriate snack for every day of that week. You can either send it all on Monday or a day at a time. We do have access to a fridge for cold things. Once I get my school laptop back I will send the list of examples of appropriate snack items. Your child will then help me or my assistant prepare snack for that day.

Don’t forget that we have a new uniform policy this year. Please familiarize yourself with it. There is a page with a link at the top of the blog or you can go to the school’s website and find it under School Policies and Handbook. Some places you can go to find appropriate clothes are The Children’s Place either online or there is one in Riverdale, Costco online, or frenchtoast.com. There are probably many other places, these will give you a good start. Please note that it is no longer acceptable for students to wear socks during school due to safety reasons.

I have the supply list for the following year ready. There is a page with it at the top of the blog. These supplies will be used daily in the classroom but are voluntary. If you are unable to supply these things for your child please let me know and the school will take care of it. Please feel free to use things that the students have used in previous years if the item is still in good repair. You can drop these items off at the school the week before school starts. I will be there all week.

Also, we are in need of a room mother and assistant room mother. They will be in charge of any parties we have and help with sign-ups for reading help and other help in the classroom. Please let me know if you are interested.

We will be studying Europe and Africa for our continents this year. If you have been anywhere on these continents and would like to present some things about them to our class please let me know. We would love to have you come and share.

Can’t wait to see you all and your students when the year starts.
Enjoy the rest of your summer.

Ms. Jalee

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