Ms. Amy's Montessorians

It's okay to not know, but it's not okay to not try.


I thought some of you might be interested in this fun event.  See the attached flyer for information on the upcoming free family STEM Expo night on Monday. stemexpo2018_fam_night


The field trip last week was wonderful.  Thank you to all the wonderful parents who helped transport us to and from the field trip.  Thank you to Ms. Heidi for arranging the rides and Ms. Jenny for staying with us to help keep an eye on your precious children.


Timeline Report – Home Project

Your children were given the expectations for their next home project today!!!  For your conventience the expectations are listed here: and you may use this link to print a copy at home.  The students who have already chosen their decade are listed at the bottom of this blog post.

Decade Report

Decade Choices – Timeline

Timeline Report Expectations

Cultural Festival – November 15, 2018

This is a home project.  Use books, magazines and the internet to help research your “Decade”.  The Weber County Library system has many librarians and resources available to help you do your research. You must use at least one book and one magazine in your research.

Heading of Display Board – Tri-fold board (10 points)

  1. Name of your Decade (or period of time) (nice and big in the center – make it attention getting)
  2. Your name clearly and neatly

Major Invention, Event or Person (10 points)

  1. Choose one major invention, event or important person from this decade (or combination of decades) to be your focus
    1. Use the center section of your board to highlight this choice
  2. Share photos and details
    1. Include at least 3 photographs, or drawings, depicting your invention, event or person
    2. Describe important and interesting facts about your choice
  3. Importance of your invention, event or person
    1. How did this invention change the course of history? What other inventions were inspired by this one?  How did this invention change the economic outlook of the industry it served?
    2. How did this event affect the U.S.? How did it affect the world?
    3. How did decisions made by this individual shape the future of the United States? What affect did this person have on government, industry or science?

Minor Invention, Event or Person (20 points)

  1. Choose two minor inventions, events or important people from this decade (or combination of decades) to be your focus. You must choose a combination of items (ex. 1 invention, 1 event). Since this is not the main focus of your report, you can share highlights rather than great detail
    1. Use the smaller side portions of your board to share information
  2. Share photos and details
    1. Include at least 2 photographs, or drawings, depicting your inventions, events or people
    2. Describe important and interesting facts about your choice
  3. Importance of inventions, events, or people
    1. How did this invention change the course of history? What other inventions were inspired by this one?  How did this invention change the economic outlook of the industry it served?
    2. How did this event affect the U.S.? How did it affect the world?
    3. How did decisions made by this individual shape the future of the United States? What affect did this person have on government, industry or science?

Bibliography (10 points)

In order to give credit where credit is due, you need to include a bibliography for all of your sources.  We will discuss this in class prior to the project due date.

Please turn your project in on time.  If it is turned in early you earn 5 extra points.  Every day your project is late you will lose 5 points.


Check List – Once you have completed all requirements in each section, check off the section

___ Heading

___ Major choice

___ Minor choice 1

___ Minor choice 2

___ Bibliography

___ Turned in on time

These children have already chosen the decade they would like to study. 

Alex – 1990-2000

Axel – 1910 – 1920

Lucy – 1830 – 1840; 1950 – 1960; 1960-1970

Aizlynn – 2000 – 2018

Violet – 1700- 1760

Gage – 2000 – 2018

Sammy – 1800 – 1810

Nicholas – 1830 – 1840

Irelynn – 1910 -1920

Kylee – 1990 – 2000

Michael – 2000 – 2018

Ava – 2000 – 2018

Victoria – 2000 – 2018

Brilee – 2000 – 2018

Original Works – Last Call

Tomorrow is the last call for original works.  If you haven’t sent your order into the school tomorrow is the last day.

Thank you!

Newsies Field Trip

Our next field trip is this Thursday October 25th.  We will be attending the musical “Newsies” at Weber High School.

We will be meeting at North Shore pool at 8:30 a.m. and will be leaving via private drivers at 8:40 a.m. to go up to Weber High School.

We will be picked up at Weber High School at 11:45 a.m. to be brought back to Maria Montessori Academy. Parent drivers please pick us up at in the white church parking lot just south of Weber High School.  This will allow us to get out of the busy parking lot where the buses are picking up the other students.

We will be back at MMA in time for lunch.

It is always appropriate to dress up for the theater.  Your children need to wear dress code or nicer clothing for this field trip.  If your child wants to dress up please make sure their clothing still meets dress code.

If you have any questions please let me know.  You should have received an e-mail from Ms. Heidi to arrange rides for your students to and from this field trip.

Ms. Amy

Picture Day – Monday October 22nd

 Picture day is on Monday October 22nd.  Your child should have brought home a form last week.  Please send the form and payment with your child to school on Monday if you would like to make an order.

Original Works


Celebration of Life

We are excited to celebrate your child’s birthday in our classroom.  Please read the rules below so you understand how we do a Celebration of Life in our classroom.

1.  I review the rules of our classroom during Celebration of Life.  This reminds the children to use their grace and courtesy while we are celebrating your child’s life.

2.  I will turn the time over to you to share some pictures and stories about your child with the class.

3.  The students will take turns giving your child birthday compliments.

4.  Depending on how much time is left the students will ask your child questions.  Their favorite question is, “What is your child’s most embarrassing moment?”  You might want to think of something your child is comfortable with you sharing.  Another question they love to ask is, “What is your favorite toe?”  I have no idea why they ask this but they do it every celebration.  Be prepared.  🙂
5.  Please do not bring treats, trinkets etc. to your child’s Celebration of Life.  There is not a need to bring anything for the other children.  We like to focus on your child and nothing else.
Please let me know if you have any questions.

Parent Teacher Conferences next week

Parent Teacher conferences are the 15,16, and 17th.  Early release those days.  Please sign up for a slot here:

Monday October 15th 2018 –

Tuesday October 16th 2018 –

Wednesday October 17th 2018 –

Only 22 out of the 31 families have signed up.  I’d love to sit down with you and talk about how your child is doing at school.

Home Energy Survey

Yesterday the fifth graders attended an assembly presented by the National Energy Foundation and Rocky Mountain Power.  They were given a Home Energy Survey to complete and return to school.  Please help us thank our presenters by returning this survey no later than Friday, October 10, 2018.

Upon returning this survey, fifth grader will receive a nightlight (which they are all super excited about).  If all 5th level students return this survey, our class will receive a $50 gift card to purchase materials for our class.

The nightlights are on back order.  They will send them to us as soon as they come in.