Ms. Amy's Montessorians

It's okay to not know, but it's not okay to not try.

Home Projects

HOME PROJECTS (subject to  change)

The only required daily homework in my classroom this year is READING for 20 MINUTES, and 10 MINUTES MATH PRACTICE  per night.  I do not know which computer program we will be using this year for our math practice.  I will let you know as soon as I do.  We will be using Utah Compose this year as well.  I will send home user names and passwords as soon as the programs are up and running.

HOME PROJECTS (subject to  change)

Due October 3 – Native American Project Native American Research Project Native American Research Project Rubric

Due November 15 – Cultural Festival Project Decade Report  Decade Choices – Timeline

The Cultural Festival will be at the schol on November 16th from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m.


4th – STEM Challenge; more information at a later date.

5th – Invention Convention, DUE January 9th, their projects will be displayed at the front of the schol on the 14th or 15th.

6th Science Fair, DUE January 11th, the science fair will be on January 16th in the new addition gym.

Due February 20  In Class Activities

Due March 14 – Free Choice Book Report

Due April 18 – Country Research within the United Nations

Due May 2 – Montessori Model UN