Ms. Amy's Montessorians

It's okay to not know, but it's not okay to not try.

Archive for September 27th, 2018

Home Projects

Home projects are due next Wednesday October 3rd.  Some of the children have mentioned they do not have access to computers at home.  Please let me know if this is your situation so we can support your child in the classroom.  This project does not NEED to be researched online, books are a great resource.  This project doesn not need to be typed either, it can be written on a poster.  I have attached the rubric and guidelines here for your information.

Three students have already turned in their projects and presented to the class.  Their projects have all been wonderful.  Thank you for supporting them at home with this assignment.

Native American Research Project

Native American Research Project Rubric

Thank you, let me know if you have any questions.

Ms. Amy


American West Heritage Center

The fourth graders have a field trip next Thursday October 4th.  I sent a permission slip home with them yesterday.  Thank you to those who sent it back to school today.  If you have not returned the permission slip please do so as soon as possible.

The fourth graders will be riding a bus to the American West Heritage Center next Thursday.  Ms. Susan will be chaperoning our fourth grade class on this field trip.

Your child will need to bring the following: sack lunch, water bottle, jacket (weather depending)

If you have any questions please reach out.

Ms. Amy


Your child should have brought home a new spelling list yesterday.  Please study these lists at home.  I asked the children if they studied for our spelling test on Monday, most of them said they hadn’t.  Please support your children in improving their spelling by studying with them at home each week.  Many of their spelling tests were stapled or taped into their planners.

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask.

Thank you, Ms. Amy

Original Works

Original Works are due next Wednesday, October 3rd. Ms. Rachael will be collecting artwork from each classroom in the afternoon. All art should have the student’s first and last name, teacher’s name, and a T marking the top on the BACK of each piece of art. Art must be original. Copyrighted images (like cartoon characters or sports teams) will be rejected.
Some of your children have already turned in an art project.  They are welcome to turn in more than one.  We will not be using any more class time to finish this project.  If you or your child would like to participate in this AWESOME classroom fundraiser please complete the art work at home.  The art can be completed on white cardstock or white paper.
Please let me know if you have any questions.