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Hello all,
As teachers and team leaders, we are all meeting at school today and discussing what learning will look like for us as a team and for you all as parents and your students. We have the following questions that we need answers to before we proceed further. 1. When looking at learning, would you like to have packets for your students and online resources? 2. Would you like packets that would be available to pick up at the school? 3. Online resources only.
This is taking into consideration that you may or may not have access to the internet. We need to hear back from you by this evening if possible. I will be making phone calls if I don’t hear back by 9:00 tomorrow morning. All teachers are working to make this as easy of a transition for everyone over the next 2 weeks as we seek guidance and wisdom.

Thank you for all that you do.

Shauna GarnerMaster’s of ArtMaria Montessori Academy

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