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Many of you have been inquiring about our first home Project.  Well, here it is…Due the week of October 7-11 2019

Level 1: Students will create a timeline of their life in book form.  They will need a page for each year of their life and will label each page with that particular year.  One each page, they will need to attach a photo that was taken during that year of life.  Under each photo, they will need to write a sentence (can be more than one sentence) about that year in their life.  They will need to also design a cover for their book.

Level 2:  Students will create the fundamental needs of humans as a presentation to the class.  This may be done as creatively as the student wishes to be.  Fundamental needs include food, shelter, clothing,  transportation.  Students may compare and contrast what might have been used in early civilizations, what was used in the early 1800s and what is used today.

Level 3: Prehistoric Animal Students will choose a dinosaur or other prehistoric animal to research and present.  They need to explain what tie period the animal lied, where on the earth it lived, what it ate, and other interesting facts.  Students may present this as creatively as they wish.

The next project will be due the week of November 18-22.  This will be covering the geography portion of level 1’s. 2’s and level 3’s.  All students will be working on Geography for the Cultural Festival.  The continent of Study for our class will be the continent of Europe.  Here are the guidelines for all levels: Each student will research and explore a country from the continent their class has been studying this semester. They will need to find a creative way to share what they have learned with the whole school. This project will need to include the country’s flag, a landform in the country, and how fundamental human needs are met there (such as transportation, food, housing, etc. ). Students may include any other interesting facts about their particular country. They will need to have a display of their country. This can include pictures, artifacts, clothing, music, and food. Students will present their projects individually in their own class in addition to presenting to the entire school during the cultural festival. During the festival, students will have the opportunity to visit each classroom and experience all of the continents and countries throughout the world as they view the presentations prepared by their schoolmates. Each student is expected to participate in the festival.

Please any questions that you have about any of these home projects.

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