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Good day,

I hope that this finds you well.  It was wonderful to meet many of you at sneak a peek! I am looking forward to working with you and your child this year.

A quick overview for those of you who did not make it yesterday afternoon: School begins at 8:30 am. Students who come in the door after that time can check-in at the front desk to ensure that you are counted for the day. That way, I know your child is here and so does the office.

MAPA has asked that any parent interested wanting to be part of our Parent organization contact our parent board to participate. This is a wonderful way to keep up with school activities and keep our school community strong.

A big shout-out to our room parent volunteer! Amanda Keener! When we spoke yesterday, I was excited that she would be willing to take this on. Amanda is the contact for class parties, field trips, etc. Thanks again, Amanda.

I know that some of you will not be at school on Monday. If you are still traveling, stay safe. We look forward to your return.

Over the next few weeks, we will be going over many procedures and also begin assessing students. If there are any questions or concerns that arise over the next few weeks, please let me know.  I strive to meet the needs of students and parents.

If you have not signed a sheet for the pet, please feel free to email me and I will get one to you. This just states that you are okay with a pet in the classroom and that you allow your child to feed the pet. I will be picking up a Betta fish in the next few weeks to place in the classroom. I do not expect any students to clean the tank, just be willing to feed him and make sure he is taken care of. If you do not want your child taking care of the fish. Just sign the paper and change nothing. The sheet can say it’s okay or not okay by crossing out one word for it being okay and not crossing out any words if it is not something you want your child participating in.

Our specials this year will be on Tuesday. I understand that last year PE was on Tuesday. Additionally, we will also have Art and Music. So, with that being said, students will need to wear appropriate attire on Tuesdays to participate in physical education activities. Ms. Shanan (PE coach extraordinaire is looking for PE equipment. She is looking for any free weights/ fitness equipment if parents have any and would like to donate to our school.  Ms. Shanan will be trying to build up students strength training in PE.

Have a wonderful weekend…


Ms. Shauna and Ms. Misha



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