Weekly News 9/4

Story of the Universe  STORY of the UNIVERSE


This week was full adventures as the class continued Great Lessons, team building and initiative activities, and began small independent work cycles.  At the end of each day I heard, “What!  The day is already over, where did it go!”  Comments like these are what inspire me to be a teacher.

On Wednesday we celebrated Maria Montessori birthday and engaged in lessons pertaining to who she was, her importance in the world as a PEACE maker and why there are schools including ours around the world in honor of her.  These lessons offer a  deeper appreciation to the students of Maria Montessori Academy.

IMG_8335 IMG_8337 IMG_8344 IMG_8350 IMG_8353 On Thursday we had the pleasure of having Ms. Stephanie, the Director, come into our class and offer some great and fun initiative activities- which offered collaboration, communication, frustration and most of all learning to make a plan, work together, listen to each other, and to care for others even when mistakes are made.  At the end the students had an opportunity to share their reflections in class:  “class is not a competition so we need to help each other at whatever level we are at“, “the more we work together and listen to each other, the better we will all feel on this inside“, “we need to be proactive, begin with the end in mind, and seek first to understand and then to be understood.

These team building and initiative lessons, alongside with studying the 7 Habits by Stephen Covey and Maria Montessori grace and courtesy the students learn the importance of Caring for the Environment, Caring for Others and Caring for Themselves.  When the students learn to care in these three areas; their self confidence and self esteem rise- they recognize the importance of each individual and what each person contributes to the community- regardless if they are friends or not.  On Thursday we had our first Compliment & Acknowledgement circle- students were provided a name of a student in class and at circle they shared a positive attribute of the classmate.  Every child was beaming!

In class we are taking advantage of our plentiful gardens and are using the gardens to better understand botany (plants) as well as cooking exercises.  Last week we made pesto with the plethora of basil we have growing, this week we made salsa with the tomatoes, cilantro, peppers and onions growing in the gardens.  Next week the students want to bring peaches from their trees and we are going to make peach salsa!  In the class we do a lot of cooking where the students have the opportunity to use practice their practical life skills while prepping the food.  IMG_8380 IMG_8381

This week the students were provided their first Study Guides which is one of the beginning tools of understanding how to manage their time when they are not in lessons, understanding what they need to be working on during their own time and expectations for each day as well as by the end of the week.  This was the beginning of our first work cycles.  This week the students will be getting their first calendar for September, this should be on the front of their daily binders- please be looking for it.  IMG_8325 IMG_8326 IMG_8327  IMG_8322 IMG_8324

On Friday we had our first Creative Writing Lesson- the students loved sharing their sentences from their pictures.  This exercise is a great lesson of how to expand their imaginations only by answering who, what, when, where, the action and how.  This time I gave them the action- which was challenging for some students and easier for others.  This simple lesson will continue to expand to coordinate with grammar lessons and identification.  IMG_8374 IMG_8375 IMG_8376

Next week- the students will be learning how to record their progress/ record keeping, they will be designated classroom jobs, and will be learning vocabulary lessons, the Great Story of Math, continue the Fundamental Needs of Man, and will be diving into Science and Math lessons.

SNACK– Thank you for all of you kind donations!  Snack is another great practical life skill that the students are responsible for figuring out the proper amount for servings, they prepare the food- and they also find solutions for problems regarding snack.  Students love  being apart of snack preparation as well as eating snack.  It is very evident when we do not have snack, there is a natural fatigue that takes place between 10:30-11:00 if we are in the absence of snack.  Thank you again for all of your donations.

Snack this week is Victoria.

MMA 5k and Pancake Breakfast– Come enjoy the community fun- Saturday, September 17!  Remember to sign up.  This year there will be great prizes and everyone who runs gets a swag bag and t-shirt.MMA 5k Flyer  If you have questions about registering please contact the office.

6th Grade Parent Meeting– This Thursday is a 6th grade parent meeting for ALL 6th grade parents and students.  This meeting will be discussing 6th grade student council, 6th grade expectations for committees and fundraising and details of the 6th grade field trip.  6:00 on Thursday in the library.  We look forward to seeing you!

Positive Discipline Lecture and Workshop– On Thursday, September 22 their will be a free lecture at MMA from 6:00- 8:00 and on Saturday, September 24 from 9:00-5:00 there is a  parent workshop $95 for individual or $150  for couple.  Register at www.marytamborski.com  positive discipline

Field Trips– We have our first field trip scheduled for September 20- this is a walking field trip but I will be looking for 2-3 parents to help with chaperoning.  If you are interested please let our room mother Jen Whetton know- jenqw@digis.net.  Field trip permission slip forms should be coming home by the end of this week, no later than beginning of next week.

STUDIO– We had our first studio assembly on Friday.  Your child should have brought home their studio flyer- this flyer needs to be filled out with student/ parent signature.  There are two categories of classes- please list their preference of class for each category.  1- next to priority for the class, 5 for the class least desired and 2,3,4 for in between 1 and 5.  This year there will be 3 semester of studio rotations, classes are for 4 weeks- the next semester will be a different choice of classes.  Studio flyers are due by Wednesday, otherwise I will decide their studio choices.  If your child is sick or absent- please email me their studio choices.

I hope you are enjoying your long weekend- have a great week,

Ms. Nicoletta







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Weekly News, Aug.29


We had a wonderful week- full of history, science, language, math and team building lessons.

As a class we explored the school gardens, using our smelling and touch senses to identify the different plants growing.  As an extension we made pesto in class from the basil plants.   Some students really liked the pesto- ingredients:  bunches of pesto, olive oil, lemons and garlic, put into a blender.  Hope you enjoy!

This next week we will be incorporating spelling, vocabulary, reading comprehension, and the scientific method.  Wednesday is Maria Montessori’s birthday, as a class we will be exploring the life of Maria Montessori and why we go to a school named after her.

Each week in class we are discovering and exploring grace and courtesy, caring for our environment, caring for others and caring for ourself.  As we continue to participate in numerous activities to help foster the growth of these areas- as a class we are also unweaving our class expectations of each other and class management skills.  This is a delicate lesson but essential for the class to create the community and class climate.

Each day new elements of self direction  are introduced to the class.  This week we will be making record keeping books , they will be in the front of their daily binders along with their study guides.  Beginning this week their daily notebooks should be coming home with their planners.  I will introduce their monthly calendar the first week of September.

SNACK- Thank you all for taking the time to sign up for snack.  Next week Neeley is signed up to bring snack.

MMA 5K Update:

The Annual MMA 5k Family Color Fun Run is September 17th @ 8:00 am

Pre-registration ends on September 4th

You can sign up online or via paper and check to the school.

A few changes we have made, that you may not know about:

-We have a new race course…its legitimate this year, you will run or walk 3.1 miles away from the school!

-We’re doing a color run…their will be 5 stations where you get fun color tossed on your shirt.

Families can become sponsors themselves by upping their registration to $100 and will get their childs or family name on the t-shirt.

-Each registered racer will receive a t-shirt and a swag bag full of goodies.

Swag bags include: Fiiz coupon, flashlight pen, lanyard, water bottle, sunglasses, t-shirt.

Prizes this year are awesome! they include Chick Fil A goods, PTR-i therapy sessions and paraphernalia, Wolf Creek golf passes, water bottles, awesome Recreational Outlet outdoor gear such as headlamps and camera cases.

-We will have raffle baskets including things like new backpacks, school spirit shirts, Recreational Outlet gear, Doterra products, and running products.

-Your children can bring their scooters or skate boards, this is a family event!

-We will have a DJ announcing and playing music during the race.

-We will have a fun photo booth so you can document the fun!

-At the end of the race there will be booths doing giveaways such as: Chick Fil A, Great Harvest handing out bread, and more!

-Dont forget the pancake breakfast after the race!


I hope you are enjoying this beautiful weather and have a great week,

Ms. Nicoletta




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Weekly News

Hello Parents-

It was so great to meet and see some of you at Parent Orientation.  Below is the Parent Orientation hand out that was provided- please make sure you read this, it is a critical piece that outlines the classroom dynamics for the year. Also our projected field trips for the school year- I will be sending home a permission slip hopefully this coming week.

Welcome Letter- parent orientation 2016-2017

2016-2017 Field Trip projected dates

Thank you all for the wonderful class supply donations- these donations will carry through the school year.  Very much appreciated.

This first week of school was filled with team building and initiative activities- which are interactive activities for the class to get to know one another and to establish class expectations of each other- these activities are the building blocks of our class culture and community.teambuilding

We also had our first Great Lesson- The Story of the Universe.  This Great Lesson provides the history of the Universe before the solar system existed, the story offers insights to understand the laws of nature while using science experiments to demonstrate.  This Great Lesson as of all Great Lessons are the stepping stones to ignite the child’s interest and imagination, the desire to discover and to learn.

Story of the Universe

This coming week we will be having Great Lessons of:  The Timeline of Life (history of life before man) , The Clock of Eras (history), This Place on Earth (geography), The History of Language, The History of Math, and the Nesting Boxes (geographical perspective of our relation to the Universe).

Reminder about the MMA Annual 5k and Pancake Breakfast.  These are wonderful family and friend school events to kickoff and celebrate the upcoming year.  These events  help raise money for the 6th graders to make their trip to their spring 6th grade field trip to the Redwoods, California.  MMA 5k Flyer

SNACK- this week is Jace Otto

Have a wonderful week,

Ms. Nicoletta

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Welcome- Parent Orientation letter

Dear Parents-

Welcome to the first week of school!  Attached is a more detailed letter of glimpse of the class throughout the school year: class schedule, snack sign up and projected field trip dates.

Going out experiences are very important in the Montessori environment, enriching and experiencing the lessons learned in class extending into the field of the environment.  In order for a child to attend field trips they must have all permissions slip forms signed. Parent support is essential for this experiential learning- as well as they are fun experiences.  These field trips are projected dates and are waiting for approval from school administration.

I am hoping that the October 28 (Friday) field trip can be a class wide event with parents- we would like to have an afternoon picnic following at Eden Park. Also the end of the year field trip in May to Crystal Hotsprings, this field trip will be open to parents to come and to enjoy the day and picnic.  Please be proactive and see if you can have either of these days or both days to come and enjoy outside activities and get to know other parents in class.  More details to come.

Ms. Jen Whetton this year is our room mother.  She will be contacting via email in regards to field trips, transportation, class parties and fundraisers.  Her email is:  jenqw@digis.net

Please feel free to always contact me in regards to your child- questions, comments, concerns, proud and exciting moments.  Communication as a team is the avenue of success for your child and their future.  nhouseholder@mariamontessoriacademy.org

Thank you for all of your time, donations and love for your children.  2016-2017 is going to be a great school year!

Ms. Nicoletta

Welcome Letter- parent orientation 2016-2017

 2016-2017 Class Schedule

2016-2017 Field Trip projected dates

Snack sign up  https://www.wejoinin.com/sheets/fjjbq




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2016-2017 Class Schedule

 2016-2017 Class Schedule

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Update on School Supplies

Hello Everyone-

It was great to see some of you last you last. In regards to the school supplies- there was a typo with the dry erase markers it says 14, I meant 4!
Also in regards to the “record keeping” book. The school will supply each student with a “planner”, I was looking more for a record keeping book for each student to track their progress with their projects and in class work. If you have not purchased one yet- NO need to. I have decided I will make them in class and supply them for the students- if you have already bought one- then this is great and if you could send me a picture or link this would be awesome.
Thank you,
Ms. Nicoletta
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MMA 5K Color Fun Run- Run for the Redwoods

MMA 5k Flyer






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Welcome letter 2016-2017

Hello Families-

Welcome to room 7 with Ms. Nicoletta and Ms. Susan for the 2016-2017 school year. We are so excited for this school year.

I hope everyone is enjoying their summer! I have missed seeing everyone! In just a few weeks school is about to begin- I am not sure where the summer went, but I sure am excited to begin another great school year.

We will be having our Annual Back to School Pool Party on Tuesday, August 2nd from 7-9 at the North Shore Aquatic Center.

Please take the time to subscribe to our classroom BLOG- this is a key communication tool and is the primary source of communication between home and school. Weekly blog updates are sent every Sunday. This is a great instrument to keep you updated on what we are studying and the community resources available to enhance your child’s learning and reading. This is a great avenue to integrate school learning with family time. The classroom blog also provides critical dates of projects or activities.

http://blogs.mariamontessoriacademy.org/nicoletta, on right hand side subscribe by entering your email address, go to your email and open up the invitation and accept.

Please also take the time to subscribe to our school blog -http://www.mariamontessoriacademy.org/?page_id=5392 .  Our school weekly newsletter, Monday Montessori Moments, are send out through this link.  Please take the time to read the recent newsletter.

Fourth grade and new student orientation is on Friday, August 12 from 2:00-2:45.  

School starts Monday, August 15th and will be early out at 1:00 p.m. all week long.

Our school dress code can be found here – http://mariamontessoriacademy.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/Dress-Code-Guidelines-Updated.pdf  School spirit shirts can be purchased here – https://squareup.com/store/beeyouteesfundraising  It is my understanding you will be able to see samples of the school spirit shirts at the pool party.

School Supply Preparation Ms. Nicoletta 2016-2017

The school year is about to begin! I’m so excited to have your kids back in class.

Prior to the first day of school, your child will need to prepare their school supplies. This is your child’s first homework assignment. Please assist your child in following the directions below.

The only items that should be labeled with your child’s name are listed below, everything else will go into the classroom supply cupboard for later use.

Working Binder

  • ·  Create a spine label with your first and last name (we will make covers for the binders during the first week of school)
  • ·  Place 5 dividers in your working binder
  • ·  Label a tab for Language, Writing, Math, Cultural, Science
  • ·  Divide package of lined paper evenly between all sections


  • ·  Create spine label with your first and last name (we will create a cover as part of an in class activity)
  • ·  Place 5 dividers into portfolio
  • ·  Label a tab for Math, ELA, Cultural, Executive Functions, Report Card Reflections
  • ·  Place 5 sheet protectors behind each divider

Pencil Box / Pouch

  • ·  Label with first and last name and Rm. 24
  • ·  5 sharpened pencils – labeled
  • ·  Colored Pencils
  • ·  Pencil Sharpener – labeled
  • ·  Flash Drive – labeled
  • ·  Scissors – labeled

Five Subject Notebook

  • Label with your child’s first and last name

Single Subject Notebook- label with child’s name

Thank you for assisting your child in being prepared for the first day of school. Having these items ready to go will help our class get off to a great start!


  • White 2” 3-ring Binder (Working Binder)
  • White 1” 3-ring Binder (Portfolio – can use last year’s binder if it is in good shape)
  • 2 reams of copy paper
  • 25 page protectors
  • 2 pkg wide ruled lined notebook paper , 150 sheets(1 placed in the working binder, 1 donated to class)
  • 2 pkg dividers (5 subject with pockets ) http://www.walmart.com/ip/Avery-Plastic-Pocket-Insertable-Tab-Divider-Print-on-5-Set-Multicolor-Tab-AVE11902/45621446
  • 1 5-subject notebook http://www.walmart.com/ip/Five-Star-Advance-5-Subject-Notebook-200-sheets-College-Ruled/44363278
  • 1 – 1 subject spiral notebook (Math Journal)
  • 3 pocket folders with metal inserts(1 red, 1 green, 1 blue)
  • ***1 record keeping book- label with child’s name (they will be tracking their work progress)
  • 2 pkg Ticonderoga Pencils (Must be Ticonderoga please. Other pencils are not the same quality and the lead breaks easily)
  • 2 pkg 24 colored pencils (1 for self, 1 for class)
  • 14 dryerase markers- fine point (red, blue, black, green)
  • weterase markers- fine point (red, blue, black, green)
  • graph papers ¼ inch
  • 2 Sharpies
    • 1 fine tip, 1 thin- (any color)
  • 1 highlighter (any color)
  • Comfortable pair of scissors – No safety scissors please, medium or adult scissors are best.
  • 12 inch rule
  • protractor
  • Pencil box or pencil pouch
  • *Slippers (non character)
  • *Lunch box (non character)
  • *Water Bottle – Reusable
  • 1 container Clorox wipes
  • 2 boxes Kleenex
  • Handheld pencil sharpener
  • 1 flash drive (6GB recommended)
  • 1 box ziplock bags- gallon
  • 1 box ziplock bag- sandwich

Optional but helpful

  • Post-It Notes
    1 roll paper towels
  • Water color set
  • Crayons
  • Yarn

I am so excited to see everyone! Enjoy the last weeks of summer- see you soon.

Ms. Nicoletta


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Supply list 2015-2016

ALL STUDENTS (4th, 5th, 6th grade)

  • Lunch Box – Labeled with child’s name
  • Refillable Water Bottle – Labeled with child’s name
  • flash drive– labeled
  • 1 1/2″ binder and 5-tab dividers (self assessment binder)
  • Two 2 inch 3 ring binder –
    • ) any color (daily notebook)
    • ) white (portfolio)
  • 2 packages of Lined paper (college or wide ruled w/ 3 hole)
  • #2 Pencils – 2 pack of 20
  • Colored Pencils – 2 boxes of 12 each (1 for class 1 for self)
  • 1 package of lined index cards
  • 1 hand held pencil sharpener
  • 1 Pair of medium Scissors
  • 4 dry erase markers- fine point (red, blue, black, green)
  • 4 wet erase markers- fine point (red, blue, black, green)
  • graph papers ¼ inch
  • 2 Sharpies
    • 1 fine tip,
    • 1 thin- (any color)
  • Dress Code: Plain Slippers/indoor shoes – can be “Croc” like, must have a back. No cartoon characters, or flip flops. Labeled with child’s name (if you are unable to provide these please let me know so I can arrange to find these for your child)

4th graders/ New students

  • 1 spiral binder college ruled (single subject)
  • 1 Five subject spiral binder college bound
  • Accessories (optional)
  • Kleenex – 2 boxes
  • Paper Towels – 1 roll
  • Copy Paper –
  • 1 ream 1 8 ct. Crayola washable watercolor set
  • Gallon size zip lock baggies
  • Sandwich size zip lock baggies
  • yarn
  • Transparency sheets


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