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Greetings!  I hope everyone had a restful break and was able to spend some time with people you are thankful for!  We are hitting the ground running, so this post has a lot of information.  If you have questions about any of it, please feel free to contact me at lhughes@mariamontessoriacademy.org.  Keep in mind that I will not email back if you just respond to the blog post as it goes to an unused email.

  • The final payment of $250.00 for the 6th grade Redwoods trip is due December 13
  • We are looking for judges for the science fair and presenters for STEM week.  If you or any one you know is interested, please shoot me an email.
  • Parent Teacher Conferences are coming up!  This is a student led conference and students have been preparing to present their work to you.  Please make sure you sign up for a slot!
  • The next take home projects are being assigned this week.  We are gearing up for STEM week which is the second week back in January.  Please find your students grade level below for more information.
    • 6th grade: its SCIENCE FAIR TIME!  Students came home with a thick packet of information on this.  I walked them quickly through the packet today, but this project is a big overwhelming thing for a lot of students.  They will need some support as they go through this.
      • 12/17 – the front page of this packet, signed by both the student and you, is due back to me.  This is so I know what students have thought about their project and are ready to get started.
      • 1/16 – the science fair is happening.  This is an all day affair and you are welcome to come and see the projects!
      • We are looking for judges for the science fair! If you or someone you know might be interested in that, please contact me.
      • Lost the packet? No problem.  Go to the top of the blog where it says “documents,” all of the forms I sent home you can find digitally there.
    • 5th grade: its INVENTION CONVENTION TIME! Students went home with a thick packet of information! Please make sure that you work through the packet with your student.  This project can be overwhelming, but the packet breaks it down step by step and should make it more easy to complete.
      • 1/13 – the project is due! please make sure the invention and display board come in on the 13th, and that your student is ready to present.
      • Lost the packet? No problem.  Go to the top of the blog where it says “documents,” the entire packet is digitally there.
    • 4th grade: It’s STEM project time.  Ms. Sarah and I are finalizing this, I will have due dates etc. updating here in the next couple days.
      • The due date will update here
      • Lost the packet? No problem. It will be at the top of the blog where it says “documents”
  • This weeks spelling words:
    • quadrilateral, quadric, quadrant, quadrate, quad, quadplex, quadraphonics, quadriceps, quadrille, quadriga, quadrans, quaddin, quadruped


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