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Hello, and welcome back from Fall Break!

I hope everyone had the chance to rest and recuperate – I have certainly noticed less sniffilies in the classroom.  Thank you to all who attended Parent Teacher Conferences last week, it was great to meet those I hadn’t met before, get reintroduced to those I met in the whirlwind of the pool party, and visit with those I have met a few times now!  I am looking forward to continuing to build on these relationships as we move forward into the school year.

Some things to be aware of heading into week ten:

  1. Emails for student conferencing have gone out.  If you didn’t receive one, or you need it sent again, please contact me.  I appreciate you working with me to find a day that works well for these conferences, and I am excited to implement this into my classroom.
  2. I am working (albeit slower than I would like) on getting all information requested during Parent Teacher conferences out to you.  Thank you for your patience.
  3. This week is Red Ribbon Week!  We are going to be doing all sorts of activities from door decorations to essays to listening to guest speakers.
  4. Friday is Fall Festival.  Please see the previous post for more info on that.
  5. Your child got their spelling words today!  Look for those coming home written in planners as well as in sheet form within the next couple of days.  As I said in PTC, expect them to have those words for a couple of weeks at a time.
  6. I am looking for one more volunteer to come and read with a book club in my classroom.  The commitment would be 2 times per week, for about a half hour each time.  Please email me if you are interested.

Thank you all! As always, any questions or concerns, please feel free to email me at lhughes@mariamontessoriacademy.org


Almost forgot!

Suggested IXL for the rest of this month: (PLEASE NOTE!!! I am NOT requiring every unit listed to be completed!  This is just a general list of things we have been studying in class that your child can choose from.  ONLY 20 MINUTES OF IXL IS REQUIRED PER NIGHT. I don’t want your child to miss out on other things because he or she is on the computer doing IXL.)

  • 4th: D.1,10; L (any unit); E.1,3,5,16
  • 5th: C. 12-18; D 1,2,5,13; F 1,2,6,7; K 15; L.6.8, X.1
  • 6th: B. 6; C. 1,4,6; D 1,-3; I 1,4-7,9; J 4; K 1; O 1,3,4; Y 1,2; Z 1; HH 1,3

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