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It has been brought to my attention that I have not made you aware of this on the blog – so please accept my sincerest apologies and allow me to right my wrong.

Students have an home book report on a historical peacemaker coming due.  Originally, this project was due on the 20th, but due to some major details falling through the cracks on my end as far as informing you all, I have decided to extend the deadline till the 29th.  As I am required by MMA to have a home project every month,  I cannot extend the deadline later than this.  Tomorrow, students will be sent home with an information packet containing the rubric for book reports, but here is the bulk of that information.

Students will write a short book report on a biographical peacemaker (such as Maria Montessori).  Any short book on any historical peacemaker will do as this is just an introduction into writing book reports.  We are exploring the rubric for book reports step by step as we read Wonder in class, so students should have a good idea of what is expected as they write this report.   I will be happy to help students pick out books if they are having trouble, we have many books in class, as well as the school library which they are welcome to explore.  As always, if you have any questions, comments, or concerns, feel free to email me at lhughes@mariamontessoriacademy.org

While I am correcting my mistakes, I meant to post the following reminder about the Redwoods meetings coming up tomorrow: The first meetings about the 6th grade Redwoods Field Trip are coming up.  There will be  a meeting for students during lunch on Tuesday the 12th, and following that at 5:30 pm there will be a meeting for parents.  If your child is going on the Redwoods field trip, you need to attend that meeting.

Thank you all for your patience and understanding.

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