Field trip information reminder

Dear Parents,

Below is the field trip plan that was sent home on the paper you signed and returned with your student.  Please make sure you have transportation planned to and from the Dinosaur Park for your child.

(For our field trip to the zoo we will be taking a bus)

Dear Parent or Guardian:

 Our class is taking students on a field trip to the Ogden Dinosaur Park on Thursday, March 5.  Please meet at the school at 9:30 to transport your child to the field trip location at 544 East Park Boulevard, Ogden, UT 84401 (the mouth of Ogden Canyon).  Students will need to bring a sack lunch, disposable water bottle, and a coat or jacket.   The activity at the Dinosaur Park will begin at 10am.  Parents will need to pick their child up from the Dinosaur Park by 2pm.  The donation requested for this field trip is $5.

Field trip this week!

Dear Parents,

We are going on our field trip this week.  Please meet in the North Shore Parking Lot by 9:30 to transport your child to the Dinosaur Park.  We will be walking the children over there to find their rides.

Please have your child return their computer practice check-off chart for February.  I will be sending home the new one for March on Monday.

Spelling words for week of March 2–

Level 1:  brush, dish, trash, fish, radish, ship, shrimp, splash

Level 2: across, about, around, through, next, back, front, over, beneath, before, directions

Level 3: appeal, cease, cream, decrease, increase, leadership, meager, ordeal, peach, repeat, scream, season, speak, stream, teal


Get your tickets for the GALA!

Message from Ms. Stephanie regarding the upcoming GALA:

Gala tickets are now on sale to purchase online!  It is a fun, adult only party that is looked forward to all year! it is a night of dinner, entertainment, silent auction, raffle, and live auction. 100% of the proceeds go to the school!

The Gala will be held Saturday, March 21st at The Hub in Riverdale. Click on the link below to purchase your tickets.

Ticket Payment Link:

Tickets will also bGala e on sale every Friday afternoon from 3:00-315 at the North Shore parking lot.

Thank you!



Dr. Seuss reading day!

Dear Parents,

Dr. Seuss’ birthday is coming up soon and we will be having a reading marathon next Friday afternoon (Feb. 27) to celebrate. Your child is welcome to bring their favorite Dr. Seuss book, or any other book of their choice.  They are also welcome to bring a fun Dr. Seuss themed snack to share.  There are many creative ideas on Pinterest.

Spelling Lists this week:

Level 1: bench, chop, chin, lunch, bunch, branch, chimp, child

Level 2: into, without, anyone, anything, doghouse, backyard, barnyard, sunshine, weekend, carport

Level 3: kitchen, stove, oven, refrigerator, sink, cabinet, basement, laundry, bedroom, closet, bathroom, garage, carport, window, ceiling


Enjoy your weekend!

Ms. Krista

Upcoming Field trips payment link

Dear Parents,

We will be going on two more field trips this year.  We will be going to the Dinosaur Park on Thursday, March 5.  I will be sending home the information and waiver today (so please remind your child to give it to you).  Please make sure to fill everything out.   We will also be going to the Hogle Zoo on Monday, April 20th.   The donation for each of these field trips is $5.  We truly appreciate your help with donations.  That is what makes our field trips possible.

Below is the payment link.  You can pay for both at the same time if you prefer.  Thank you!

Thank you!

Dear Parents,

Thank you so much for your support and contributions for our Valentine breakfast.  It was a wonderful success.  The children thoroughly enjoyed the whole day.   I was really impressed with the creativity I saw on display with the decorated Valentine boxes.  Wow!

We enjoyed all the reports on planets, dinosaurs, and history of loved ones.  The students did great!

The first SAGE test for third graders will be this Wednesday, February 18.  This is the writing test.  The math and language portion will come later in April.

Here are the spelling words for next week. 

Level 1:  cloth, moth, bath, math, path, sixth, thin

Level 2:  eyes, nose, head, ears, neck, ankle, toes, knee, shoulder, elbow, thigh

Level 3: quick, quiz, quiet, quite, queen, quill, question, quality, quote, quotation, square, squeak, squirt, equal, equally

Valentine’s Day Breakfast

Dear Families,

We will be celebrating Valentine’s Day with a breakfast on Thursday, Feb. 12.  I’ve sent home a card with a specific item on it.  The children really enjoy these activities and we so appreciate your support.  Thank you also for the paper towels many of you have sent in the past few days.  We are grateful to have such wonderful parental support!

Students can bring valentines and a decorated box next Thursday as well.  There are 26 students in the class.  Here is the list of names:  Allie, Jayden, Bingham, Aiden, John, Mckenna, Caroline, Brighton, Donovan, Cyan, Jordyn, Taylor, Ben, Gareth, Jace, Chloe, Emma, Hudson, Skye, Spencer, Kenton, Harrison, Mary, Kamden, Lexie, Jaicee

Thank you,

Ms. Krista

Home project schedule and spelling lists

History Home Project Presentation Schedule

Feb. 9–Allie, Jayden, Bingham, Aiden, John, Mckenna, Caroline, Brighton, Donovan,

Feb. 10–Cyan, Jordyn, Taylor, Ben, Gareth, Jace, Chloe, Emma, Hudson

Feb. 11– Skye, Spencer, Kenton, Harrison, Mary, Kamden, Lexie, Jaicee

Spelling Words for week of Feb 2:

Level 1:  hill, fell, bell, doll, pill, grill, windmill

Level 2: wished, wanted, helpful, playful, useful, fearful, thankful, nearly, friendly, kindly, suffix

Level 3: middle, settle, cattle, tattle, rattle, battle, fiddle, bottle, cuddle, puddle, huddle, fumble, tumble, jumble, humble