Spelling lists and Monday

Dear Parents,

Monday is an early-out day.  School will dismiss at 1pm.

List A/B: bib, fin, kid, pig, rib, wig, lid, pin

List C:bone, cone, globe, home, mole, rope, stove, smoke

List D: antenna, balance, boulder, cliff, joint, machine, motor, muscle, planet, slope

We had a great time on our field trip today.  Thank you for all your support!



Home projects and Spelling words

Dear Parents,

I have added a page to my blog (found on the top right column) regarding home projects.  All of the lower-elementary classes will be following the same theme for projects throughout the year.  All of the details for each project are found on that page.  Our first project will be due the week of October 1st.  The week prior, I will send out a  schedule of what day your child will be doing his/her project.  We always look forward to these projects and seeing what your child has learned.

Spelling words- (Please help your child study his/her spelling words so they will be ready for the test on Thursday)

Group A and B will be combined:  ax, bag, cab, van, cap, dad, gas, ham

Group C:  lake, plate, rake, flame, grave, snake, tape, wave

Group D: accident, acrobat, alarm, bounce, enormous, gap, scoop, support, tangle, weigh

Thank you!

Ms. Krista


Field trip details

Dear Parents,

Our first field trip is coming up next Friday, Sept. 21.  To try to keep things more organized and stress-free for all of us I wanted to add a few more details.  To avoid congestion with several other classes who will also be attending this field trip, I have decided to have our class meet for pick-up at the far east side of the North Shore parking lot. We will be out there by 11:35. It is imperative that you all be there on time to take your child and head to Weber State.

Once we arrive at the Browning Center of Weber State, we will meet at the east side of the parking lot shown on the map below (click link to open).  We will meet in the same place after the performance is over.  Chaperones will need to pay for parking.  If you decide to take your child home at that point please contact the office to check them out.  Once all children are picked up, Ms.  Sharon and I will plan on being back at the school by 2:30.

Also, it is very important that you let Tiffany Tuttle (tquigster@yahoo.com) know as soon as possible if you are able to take your child and any other students on the field trip.  If we do not have enough drivers to transport all of our students the field trip will have to be cancelled.   The children are so excited about going on this field trip, we hope everyone can contribute to making this first outing a success.


Thank you!

Ms. Krista

Spelling groups and words

Dear Parents,

I have put each child into a specific spelling group.  We went over this in class so each student should know what group they are in.  I will be posting the upcoming week’s spelling words each Friday.  Spelling tests will be on Thursday.  Please help your child practice his/her words throughout the week.   Here are the spelling words for next week.

Group A:  No spelling words.  This group will practice writing his/her name correctly, and using upper and lower case letters correctly.

Group B: bat, cat, mat, sat, hat, fan, can, ram

Group C: pin, pine, kit, kite, mat, mate, cap, cape

Group D: calf, claw, couple, cushion, flap, groom, share, shelter, yard, zero

Upcoming Field trip

Dear Parents,

Our class will be going on a field trip on Friday, September 21.  I am sending home forms today for you to sign and return as soon as possible.  I have included PDF versions of these forms below.  Please look over all the information.   You will be receiving a wejoinin link soon from one of our parent volunteers, who will be helping coordinate carpools if needed.  We have a limited number of tickets, so unfortunately parents will not be able to attend this field trip  unless you have already been asked to chaperone.  If you choose to take your child home after the field trip, please contact the school office to check your child out.  This will be a wonderful experience.  The children are really looking forward to going!

Thank you,

Ms. Krista

Field trip Cover

field trip permission

Important information for next week!

Hello Parents,

I just wanted to update you on a few things as we begin school next week. First, our Sneak-a-Peak is this Monday, the 20th. This is a time for you and your children to come and meet teachers, see the classrooms, and bring supplies (our class supply list is posted on the blog). This will be from 1:30-3:30 pm. On the half hour, beginning at 1:30 pm, then again at 2 pm, 2:30 pm, and 3 pm. Also, during this time Ms. Rene and Ms. Lana will be in the library if you would like to meet with them.

The first day of school is Tuesday, Aug. 21st.  School will dismiss at 1pm that day and throughout the remainder of that week. Starting Monday, August 27, school will dismiss at 3 p.m.

Next week all lower and upper elementary teachers will be out front holding a sign with their name where children will gather before entering the building.  As part of our normalization period, and in an effort to build independence and confidence in each student, we ask that parents not walk their child into the building.

If you have not yet done so, please subscribe to my classroom blog.  This is where I will be posting all upcoming events, fieldtrips, weekly spelling lists, and other important information.

So far, we have only had a few people sign up for snack.  If you have not yet done so, please click on the following link ( snack sign-up link) and sign up for 2 weeks.  There is also a page at the top of the blog that has a few healthy snack suggestions.

Carpool for this year is the same as last year. Access the MMA Traffic Trifold to see the traffic flow. If you are headed northbound when exiting the school, please follow the red route on the MMA Traffic Trifold and remind your students to stand in the red area for pick-up. If you are headed southbound, please follow the blue route on the MMA Traffic Trifold. City officials want to prevent traffic from turning north (left) at Taco Time. We will have crossing guards at critical points to protect student safety and expect drivers to be hyper vigilant as well. Please refrain from using your cell phone during carpool. Please follow the crossing guards’ direction and always pull forward! If you see your child but there is space to pull forward, PULL FORWARD and we will make sure your child gets to you.

On Thursday, Aug. 23 we will be doing a special “friendship fruit salad”.  We will be asking each child to bring a fruit donation that morning.  This can be a can of fruit, frozen fruit, a small container of berries, or a single fruit.

Ms. Sharon and I look forward to seeing all of your children next week and beginning another great school year at MMA!!



Welcome to the 2018-2019 school year!

Dear Parents,

We hope you have all had a wonderful summer break.  We are looking forward to seeing all of our students very soon.  If you haven’t yet subscribed to my blog, please do so by clicking on the link on the lower right column that says “subscribe to Ms. Krista’s class by email”.  Once you’ve completed that process you will be emailed whenever I post anything new.  If you ever need to email me directly simply reply to the email.

There is an an online sign-up sheet for our classroom snack on the lower right column on the blog under “sign-ups”.  I am also including it here.  Please click on the following link: snack sign-up.  If everyone will sign up for at least 2 different weeks during the year than snacks will be covered!  Please remember that donated foods must follow MMA’s wellness policy. You may click “snack suggestions” on the top right column of the blog for a few ideas. We appreciate your help in making sure the children have snack throughout the school year.

The school is hosting our annual pool party at North Shore on Aug.16 from 6-8 pm. We hope to see you there!

If you haven’t already done so, I would highly recommend that you subscribe to MMA’s blog for school updates and reminders.   The first week of school is Aug. 21-24.  Please note these are all early release days. Students will be dismissed at 1pm.

FYI–Our class supply list is on my blog.

Enjoy the rest of your summer and we’ll see you soon!

Ms. Krista and Ms. Sharon

2018-2019 School Supply List

Hello Everyone,

Here is the supply list for the 2018-19 school year.  If there are any updates, I will let you know.

  • regularcomposition notebooks—all students
  • Primarycomposition notebooks. (for 1st and 2nd graders only. See sample picture below)
  • 1 sturdy plastic pocket folders with prongs–not a binder. Color specified by grade: 1st graders-1 green; 2nd graders-1 blue; 3rd graders-1 red.
  • 1 yellow folder, 1 purple folder (basic paper, no prongs),
  • Small sturdy dry-erase lapboard
  • Pencil pouch
  • 8 count watercolor set (or larger)
  • Large package of Crayola twist-up colored pencils (not twist-up crayons)
  • Water bottle
  • Slippers with sturdy soles.  (2016-2017 MMA Parent Handbook:  “All students need to have a soft sole shoe/slipper that must be worn at all times while in the building. The slipper needs to be free from logos, lettering, graphics, sparkles, sheen, decorative accents, and characters. *Note: a small pattern is acceptable.”)


  • 2 Fine point dry-erase markers
  • 1 Package of regular non-mechanical pencils
  • 1 Box of tissues
  • 1 Roll paper towels
  • 1 Container Clorax or Lysol wipes
  • 1 Package of Ziploc bags any size
  • 1 Package of index cards
  • 1 Hand sanitizer bottle






End of Year Updates and Spelling words

May 7–SAGE math test for level 3s from12:00-3:00.

May 10–3rd grade party 1:30-2:30

May 14-18 –Home Projects Due.

Spirit week.  Monday-Crazy socks, Tuesday-Crazy hair/hat, Wednesday-Pajamas, Thursday–occupation (dress as favorite occupation), Friday–dress down for field day.

May 22–Early-out. 3rd grade bridging ceremony in the gym 11:00-12:00

May 23-24 Early-out.  Parent Teacher Conferences from 1:40-7pm

May 25-Early out. Last Day of School!!

Next week will be the last spelling test this year. 

List A: pin, pine, kit, kite, mat, mate, cap, cape

List B: whale, whisker, whisper, white, wheel, wheat, whirlpool

List C:various, original, entire, straight, complete, ancient, current, common, modern, plain, dozen, popular, sincere, ridiculous, hungry

List D: stanza, poem, theater, journal, stage, essay, rhyme, tragedy, comedy, drama, playwright, lyrics, prose, writer, poet