Next week updates

  • There will not be any spelling words next week due to Fall Break on Thursday and Friday.
  • Original Works order forms are due Wednesday, October 17.
  • If you have not signed up for Parent Teacher Conferences yet, please do so by Saturday. Ms. Sharon and I are looking forward to meeting with you all.
  •  PTC sign-up link here


Information regarding Original Works fundraiser

Dear Parents,

I sent home your child’s artwork today for our classroom fundraiser.  Below is some information from Ms. Rachel Bush who is the coordinator for this fundraiser.

Original Works Q & A:

What is Original Works?
Turn your child’s art into keepsakes (mugs, tote bags, pot holders, pillowcases, keychains, nightlights, etc.). This fundraiser benefits your child’s classroom directly.

What if my child didn’t do or complete their art?
Complete it now! Art needs to be on plain 8.5”x11” paper (cardstock is best for durability). No3-D art (glitter, pipe cleaners, etc.) and no copyrighted art. Must be original!  Whatever you turn in with your payment will be considered complete.

What if my child made more than one piece of art?
You need one order form per piece of art. The order form needs to be filled out and taped to the back of your child’s art.

What if I have a child who wants to participate and isn’t at MMA?
Anyone can submit art. All you need is an order form and to designate which teacher you want to benefit!

How do I pay?
Write a check made to Original Works and attach it to the order form or write your credit card number on order form.

When are orders due?
Art, order forms, and payment must be returned to the front office by October 17th.

What needs to be on the art?
Your child’s name, teacher’s name, and a T designating the top of art must be written on the back of each piece of art.

When will keepsakes arrive?
Friday, November 30th!


Parent Teacher Conferences October 15th, 16th, and17th

Parent Teacher Conference is right around the corner.  I am looking forward to celebrating your amazing children with you.  Please look here for our track it forward sign up sheet.  You will find our sign up times listed on the above dates labeled Ms. Krista PTC.  If you have not made an account with Track it forward you will be prompted to do that before you can sign up for a conference slot. These conferences are only for parent/guardians.

Please sign up for conferences by Saturday, October, 13.   After that, I will print the schedule and clear the online sign-up. Changes to the schedule will not be able to be made after that date. We look forward to meeting with you.

October 15-17 will also be early-out days.  School will dismiss at 1pm.  Fall break will be October 18-19.  School resumes on the 22nd.

Spelling words

A/B: box, dog, pod, fox, hop, log, mop, tot

C: bike, dime, lime, pipe, smile, stripe, vine, bride

D: ape, brain, branch, cavern, chimney, dozen, flame, net, spear, torch

P: active, astound, attend, cherish, contract, eager, expose, grace, impose, modest, parallel, paralyze, pessimist, recite, respond

Revised field trip form

Dear Parents,

I sent home a field trip form with each student today.  Please sign and return as soon as possible.  There are several field trips listed that we will be going on this year.  The other side of the form has information regarding our upcoming field trip to Gibson’s Green Acres Dairy Farm.  However, some of those details have changed. I have included that revised form here. Please read it over thoroughly so you will have the most current and accurate information regarding our field trip on October 11.

Gibson Farms cover letter


Math and Literacy program for home and school

Dear Parents,
We will be using a supplemental online math and literacy program this year called Imagine Learning.  Students will be able to use this once a week in the classroom during our scheduled computer time.  However, they will make better progress if they are accessing it at home as well.  Below are the links and instructions on how to get them logged on at home.  I will be sending a small card home with each student with their SSID numbers.
Grades 1-3 can access Imagine Learning Language and literacy
Site Code: 4900144
UN and PW: student’s SSID
Grades 1-9 can access Imagine Learning Math
Site Code: not needed (leave blank)
UN and PW: student’s SSID

Home project schedule for next week

Dear Parents,

These are the days each student will be presenting their project to the class.  Please make sure your child is ready with his/her project on the day it is due.  These projects are meant to be enjoyable, not stressful.  I want this to be a fun learning experience for all of the children.

Monday: Jacklyn, Reese, Axel, Crystal, Eli, Daxton

Tuesday: RJ, Elijah, Luca, Lynkoln, Mckenzie,

Wednesday: Zeke, Maya, Asher, Pranet,

Thursday: Olyvia, Savannah, Tony, Moshe,

Friday: Aksel, Evie, Anna, Alora, Evan,