Spelling test

Due to the field trip this Thursday and testing for level 3s next week, 3rd graders will take their spelling test this Friday, and first and second graders will take their test next week on Thursday.

List A/B: jumping, bending, picking, kicking, fixing, fishing

List C: telephone, elephant, graph, telegraph, phantom, alphabet

List D: contain, digest, finicky, habit, hinge, marsh, nursery, rely, spine, thrive

Spelling words

List A/B: ring, sling, sing, wing, swing, king, bring

List C: hinge, hedgehog, magic, bridge, plunger, finger, magnet, game

List D:  act, additional, advice, crumple, fan, memorize, mystify, pause, transparent, vanish


Creative Writing presentation schedule

The creative writing home projects are due next week (April 22-26).  Below is the schedule of when your child will be presenting to the class.

Monday: Early-out.

Tuesday: Maya, Jacklyn, Evie, Tony, Lynkoln, Savannah

Wednesday: RJ, Reese, Axel, Anna, Elijah

Thursday: Zeke, Luca, Crystal, Ariana, Mckenzie, Asher

Friday: Olyvia, Alvin, Moshe, Pranet, Evan, Daxton,

Spelling words

List A/B: drink, pink, link, mink, sink, wink

List C: wrestle, wrinkle, knight, climb, whisk, freighter, tighten, ankle

List D: chasm, continent, credit, enable, foul, gust, ordeal, plateau, rig, schedule

List P: arrest, capable, congratulate, despise, dispute, eventual, helm, humiliate, implore, insert, outrage, pierce, quiver, release, sullen

State assessments

UT state standardized assessments (now called RISE and Aspire Plus) will be on the following days for our class.

May 7–ELA test 9am-12pm

May 9–Math 12-3pm

These assessments are important to us for several reasons.

The state assessment data are important to your family because the results are one way to communicate how much your child has learned in English language arts, writing, math, and science. At MMA, we know that these tests are but one indicator of a child’s progress in these content areas.

The state assessment data are important to us because determining what a student knows or does not know is a vital cornerstone in individualizing learning experiences, which is the basis of a Montessori education. The results help us to identify needs for new and additional materials, tailor professional development for teachers, and determine where to best invest school funding.

Taking tests is a practical life skill, required for college entrance as well as many professions. Doctors, lawyers, teachers, contractors, nurses, and cosmetologists (to name just a few) all must take tests in order to enter their professions. Standardized testing in school provides a valuable opportunity to practice taking tests in a low-stakes environment, better preparing our students for future assessments – which is why we encourage all students to participate.

If you choose to opt your child out of testing, please complete the Parent Exclusion from State Assessments Form. This form must be handed from you to either Ms. Lana or Ms. René, who will take 5 minutes to review this form with you. We ask that these forms are submitted no later than April 12th. Thank you for your cooperation and support.

Spelling words

List A/B: match, scratch, stretch, hatchet, kitchen, catch, hitch, latch

List C: night, light, high, flight, caught, eight, sleigh, weight

List D: amaze, arctic, court, elect, interval, league, limit, milestone, recreation, tackle

List P: audition, create, elevate, eliminate, engage, entrance, essential, foremost, forsake, recognize, sentimental, source tour, tradition, trio

Field trip April 18th

Dear Families,

We have a field trip on the morning of Thursday, April 18. We will be attending the new Disney documentary “Pengiuns” in celebration of Earth day. We will be joined by the entire lower elementary and will be meeting at the Megaplex theater (by Fatcats) in downtown Ogden. We will be going directly to the theater that morning, so you will need to drop your student off in front of the theater at 8:45 instead of taking them to the school that day. For those of you who need help transporting your child, please watch for a wejoin sign up from Tiffany Tuttle.  Due to the large audience of children attending, tickets for chaperones to this trip are limited. Unfortunately, only those asked will be able to attend.  I will be sending the waiver home next week. Please sign and return as soon as possible.  I have also included the information and waiver at the link below.

Field trip Pengiuns movie

Thank you,

Ms. Krista

April home project

For our April home project, students will need to do a creative writing project. This assignment can be based on something that happened to them or someone they know, or from their imagination. They can choose to write a poem, a song, a play, or story. This project can be simple or complex depending on your child’s ability, and interest. We would like this to be a fun, creative experience for your child and family.  This project must also include an illustration(s) to accompany their writing. This can be a variety of things–painting, clay, puppet, mobile, booklet, shadow box, etc.

This project will be due the week of April 22.