Count down to Winter Break!

Dec. 18th–Class party

Dec. 19th–We will be watching “A Christmas Carol” in the afternoon.

Dec. 20th–Winter Concert at 9:30–We have really been working hard and having fun getting our class presentation ready for Friday.  The kids are very excited to show off their great dance moves : )  Thank you for your donations of batteries and a dollar to offset the cost of our props. Your child will get to keep the items that you paid for as well as a special gift from me and Ms. Sharon.

You are welcome to take your child home after the concert.  We will spend the time after the performance cleaning our room and preparing for a 2-week vacation. It is an early release day, so pick-up is at 1:00.

January 3rd- School will resume on Friday, January 3rd.  We will spend the day doing some low-key activities and possibly a read-a-thon. If your choose not to send your child to school this day, they will not miss out on much academic work.

Ms. Sharon and I truly appreciate all of your support. We love your children and are grateful to be their teachers.

Ms. Krista


A couple things….

We are completely out of paper towels and would really appreciate it if every child could donate at least one roll to our classroom.

We are also in need of someone who would be willing to take our mats over Christmas break and wash them.  Please let me know if you would be willing to do this.

We could really use some reading volunteers who would be willing to come in on Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday from 9-10 and read with some of our students.  If you signed up to do this, or are willing to help out please contact Patty Sweeney, our room mother, and she will put together a schedule.

I’ve posted a payment link for our fieldtrip to the Nutcracker, but I’m including it here in this post as well.

Nutcracker Payment Link

Thank you!!


Happy Thanksgiving!

Thank you so much to everyone for helping make our class feast so wonderful!  We appreciate all the delicious food that was sent, and all your time and effort.

p class feast (1)


Upcoming events:

Dec. 9–Fieldtrip to the “Nutcracker”.  Please return your forms by Thursday.

Dec. 12–6th grade dinner and talent show fundraiser from 5:00-7:00. Tickets are $5.00 for individuals or discounted for family groups. (A flier was sent home last week with details).

Dec. 20–Winter concert and early-out for Winter break.  (School will resume on Friday, Jan. 3)

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!


Upcoming events!

Our class feast is this Thursday.  Each child should have brought home a card with their food item.  We appreciate everyone’s support in helping us make this possible.  The kids are so excited about it.

I apologize for any confusion regarding the class feast and the school’s Community Gratitude Feast. The Community Feast is for public servants (e.g. firemen, policemen, mayor, etc).  The class feast is just for our class.  Both are on Thursday.

Our next field trip will be to see the “Nutcracker” at the Egyptian Theater on Dec. 9.  We will be traveling by bus.  Unfortunately, we will not be able to take chaperones this time as there are a limited number of seats available.  I will be sending home waiver forms and more information next week.

The next home project will be due the first week of December.  I have included the schedule below.  This is the Continent Study home project.  Each child has selected either a U.S. state or a country in North America.   I have reviewed it with them several times, but please let me know if your child has forgotten. This project will involve research of the chosen place.  They should also have a visual aid.  They can learn and present about the culture, animals, historical information, tourist attractions, natural wonders and geographical features, music, language, etc.

Dec.  2








Dec. 3





Mason Pack

Ben S.



Dec. 4 


Ben B.







Dec. 5



Mason Pocus











Dear Families,

Your child should have brought home their picture packet last week.  If you are not satisfied with the results please use the additional form that was sent home yesterday for picture retakes on Nov. 19.

I’ve had some questions about what is the difference between “Show and Teach” and “Home projects”.  Show and teach is when a student brings an item from home and tells us a few things about it. It can be a special souvenir or collection.  It can also be a talent or craft that the student would like to demonstrate or teach about.   “Home projects” require the students to do research and more long-term preparation.  A home project is more in depth.

Our next home project will be due the first week of December.  This time each child will be choosing a U.S. state, Canadian province, or country in Central America to present for our North American continent studies.  They will be responsible to research and prepare a visual aid of their state, etc. They should come prepared to teach the class about it.  Most of the children have already decided which location they would like to research.  I will be providing a schedule of what day your child’s project will be due.

Our class feast will be held the same day as the school gratitude feast.  More details to come next week.

Have a great weekend!

Happy November!

Thank you to everyone for helping make our class breakfast party a success yesterday!  Everyone remembered to bring their item and we had a wonderful time. Here are some events that are coming up.

Nov. 8 –early-out due to professional development.

Nov. 21–Community Feast and classroom feast

Nov. 25-29–Thanksgiving Break; no school all week.

Reminder: Show and teach is every Friday afternoon.  Please check the “Show and Teach” page for the schedule (top right side of Blog).  There have been a couple of children forget to bring something to show.

Also, please check the date you’ve signed up for snack.  We have the snack sign-up on the blog on the bottom right side under “sign-ups”.  Thank you to everyone who has provided snack so far.  We truly appreciate your contribution!

Have a great weekend!



Thank you!

I want to thank all the parents who attended the field trip to Black Island Farms with us. The kids had so much fun!  We know it meant so much to the children that you would take your time and spend the day with them.  We appreciate all the parents who were willing to take other students with them so that Ms. Sharon and I were free to observe and chat with each group rather than only be able to focus on 2 or 3 students as we have done in the past.  This was a very successful field trip for all the kids.  We couldn’t have done it without your help and support.  Thank you!