International Festival Presentations and schedule of events

Dear Families,

I would like to have each child present his/her African country project individually for the class next week before we present to the entire school on Thursday.  Here is the schedule of when your child will be presenting to the class:

Monday Dec. 15: Harrison, Brighton, Donovan, Emma, Lexie, Chloe, Gabby, Jace, Hudson, Mary

Tuesday Dec. 16:  John,Taylor, Caroline, Brandon, Cyan, Gareth, Jayden, Spencer, Skye,

 Wednesday Dec 17:  Kamden, Allie, Mckenna, Bingham, Kenton, Aiden, Ben, Jaicee,


Here is the schedule of events for the International Festival:

Wednesday, December 17th

Upper Elementary and Morning Early Childhood Presentations — 9-11am

 Thursday, December 18th

UE Studio Instrumental Performance at 12:00 

Junior High Orchestra Performance 12:45

Lower Elementary and Afternoon Early Childhood Presentations– 1-2:30pm

 Friday December 19th– 

Junior High 9-11am

Come to our class holiday program!

Dear Parents,

We are excited to invite you to our class holiday celebration on Dec. 11 at 2 pm in the library.  The children will be performing several poems and songs. Since it will be at the end of the school day you are welcome to take your child home after the program.  We are looking forward to a fun time and hope to see you all there!


Ms. Krista

Thank you!

Dear Families,

First of all, I wanted to thank you for making our class feast such a great success!  Thank you so much to everyone for contributing.  The kids had a wonderful time and we appreciate your support immensely!

We were asked by Ms. Stephanie to represent the lower elementary at the Community Gratitude Feast on Thursday.  Our class performed two songs and a poem for the Mayor, chief of police, fire chief, and many, many more.  The kids did a fantastic job. Everyone loved it!  Ask your child to recite the poem and songs for you if they haven’t yet.  Check out the pics below : )

community feast1 community feast2


The Annual International Festival is quickly approaching. This is the time of year when each student has the opportunity to present a country from the continent we are studying. This semester we have been learning about Africa.  We have had some great presentations from parents who have been to Africa. We’ve learned about Nigeria, Kenya, Egypt, Ghana, Madagascar, Morocco, etc. I would like each student to pick a different country in Africa to present.  I will have a sign-up ready when they return to school next week.  If they already know which country they would like to present, please email me. Whoever signs up for a specific country first will be allowed to present that country.

The International Festival is a way to explore other cultures from around the world.    Each student will research and explore their chosen country and find a creative way to share what they have learned with the whole school.  Students will need to have a display of their country.  This can include pictures, artifacts, clothing, music, and food from their country.  During the festival students will have the opportunity to visit each classroom and experience all of the continents and countries throughout the world as they view the presentations prepared by their schoolmates.  Each student is expected to participate in the festival.

The International Festival will be Dec. 17-18.  Lower-Elementary will be presenting their projects to the entire school on Dec. 17.  I would like them to present their projects individually to our class on Dec. 12, 15-16.  I will send out a schedule sometime next week.

We have so much to be grateful for! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Ms. Krista

Book reports due and class feast on Wednesday

Just a quick reminder that book reports are due this week.

Schedule of book reports:

Nov. 19–Allie, Kamden, Bingham, Aiden, John, Mckenna
Nov. 20–Cyan, Brandon, Taylor, Gabby, Ben, Gareth, Jace
Nov. 21–Caroline, Skye, Spencer, Jayden, Kenton, Harrison, Mary, Chloe, Lexie, Jaicee, Brighton, Donovan, Emma, Hudson

Also, our class feast is on Wednesday!  Thank you for all your support!

Ms. Krista

Spelling lists

I’ve had some parents ask to have spelling words posted.

Level 2 words:













Level 3 words:
















Class feast

We are having our annual class feast next Wednesday, Nov. 19.  We discussed individual food assignments today with each student.  Please let me know if your child forgot their assignment, or if you have any questions or concern about their item. Also, please let me know If your child won’t be able to bring their item so we can make other arrangements. You can send it in that morning with your child.  We really appreciate your support with this.  The kids are so excited!

November updates

Dear Families,
Here is a list of upcoming school and class events:
Nov. 12–“Get Down and Dirty with Montessori Materials” 6:30-8:30
Nov. 14–Professional Development. Students will be dismissed at 1pm.
Nov. 19-Boxtops store
Nov. 20–Community Gratitude Feast
Nov. 19-21–Book reports Due. I would like students to present a favorite book that they have read (or had read to them).  I would like these book reports to be enjoyable and creative.  Book reports need to include the name of the book (fiction or non-fiction), the author, illustrator (if applicable), main characters, favorite part, and why the book was chosen.  I would like each student to create something inspired by his/her book to show the class.  This can be a mobile, a puppet, drawing, skit, etc.  So get creative and have fun! Click the link below to get some ideas for a creative book report:
Schedule of book reports:
Nov. 19–Allie, Kamden, Bingham, Aiden, John, Mckenna
Nov. 20–Cyan, Brandon, Taylor, Gabby, Ben, Gareth, Jace
Nov. 21–Caroline, Skye, Spencer, Jayden, Kenton, Harrison, Mary, Chloe, Lexie, Jaicee, Brighton, Donovan, Emma, Hudson
Nov. 24-28–Thanksgiving Break, No School