Next Week Updates

Week of January 21st:

Monday–No school.

Wednesday–2nd graders’ projects are due.

Thursday–1st graders’ projects are due.

There will be no spelling words next week, due to a short week and our focus on projects.

Thank you and have a wonderful weekend!

Spelling Words

List A/B: hill, fell, bell, doll, pill, grill, windmill

List C: farm, carpet, market, garden, harp, starfish, park, bark

List D: base, din, discard, dome, gallon, instrument, luxury, mallet, skill, slight

List P: apparent, ban, concentrate, concern, consider, contrast, fragile, menace, pounce, prompt, recent, symbol, talon, trophy, widespread

Schedule for Science Projects

January 18– 3rd graders will be presenting their projects to the class.  Their projects will be displayed for the entire school on January 22.

January 23– 2nd graders will be presenting their projects to the class.  Their projects will be displayed for the entire school on January 24.

January 24–1st graders will be presenting their projects to the class.  Their projects will be displayed for the entire school on January 25.


Spelling words

List A/B: grass, glass, dress, class, kiss, moss, cross

List C: baby, tulip, microscope, relax, robot, crocodile, tomato, violin, volcano

List D: adult, clump, curious, gratitude, herd, newcomer, plain, stalk, tusk, wealthy

List P: afford, boast, chord, exceptional, fortunate, fringe, humble, meadow, melancholy, obstinate, plead, plunge, relent, submit, trudge


Spelling words and updates

Dear Parents,

MMA’s  Winter Concert is on Monday at 6:30 in the new gymnasium.  Students need to arrive no later than 6:15. They should wear a solid color top and black bottoms. All of our students have been practicing very hard for this concert.   I am so excited to see them perform.

Our class holiday party is on Thursday, December 20.  Please have your child bring a secret Santa gift that day and a food item to share.

Spelling Words: 

List A/B: plant, stamp, stand, blimp, stump, twigs, twins

List C: glue, blue, statue, rescue, screw, jewel, crew, blew, spoon, root, raccoon

List D: bustle, channel, connect, empire, mention, peak, scholar, settle, vehicle, zigzag

List P: appall, dejected, depend, dreary, fanatic, impact, invade, isolate, occupy, reveal, rout, suspect, temporary, terror, tragic


Spelling Words

List A/B:  belt, melt, film, milk, raft, mask, gift

List C: donkey, chimney, valley, hockey, candy, empty, puppy, canopy

List D: arch, attention, award, collapse, demolish, excess, outline, sculpture, spade, utensil

List P: ability, amiable, bliss, caress, clutch, coax, furious, gesture, mope, prefer, recover, replace, request, separate. shun

Holiday fun!

Dear Parents,

The children requested that we do “Secret Santa” again this year.  They have each drawn the name of a classmate and will need to bring a one dollar gift (no more) for that person on December Dec. 20.  We will be having a little class party that day.  They are also welcome to bring a fun food item to share for the afternoon.  We will still be having our regular lunch that day.

I would also like to have a favorite recipe from each child with their name included.  Please email the recipe to me, or send a copy with your child to school as soon as possible.

Also, just a reminder that Monday is an early-out day.  School will dismiss at 1pm.

Thank you!

Ms. Krista


STEM home Project

 Dear Parents,
The lower-elementary has started its next unit with the theme of STRUCTURE.  We have made some small changes to the project expectation which will be due Friday, January 18th.  The changes are as follows:

Level 1: Will research and present on a scientist

Level 2: Will do a project using the scientific method

Level 3: Will present on either simple machines or forces of motion

For the STEM Fair home project, we will ask that your child create a science presentation. We want to treat our STEM Fair not as a general “Science Fair,” but rather a celebration of science.

A science celebration presentation is not limited to just a tri-board.  Listed below are ideas your child can choose from (but are not limited to) for the STEM Fair.

Some ideas include, but are not limited to:

  • Poster or tri-fold board
  • Brochure
  • Hands-on experiment with write-up
  • Experiment demonstration by student (must be able to show over and over)
  • Create a board game
  • Video (Example: Make their own Bill Nye)
  • Performance or skit
  • Diorama
  • Create a book
  • Create a lesson or work

The STEM festival will be the week of January 14th. The students will be presenting school-wide after STEM week starting January 22nd.

Spelling words

List A/B: camp, jump,lamp, pump, sand, wind, hand, tent, mint

List C: bean, peach, stream, read, bead, green, sleep, tree, thief, field, shield

List D: atlas, aware, boar, equator, fang, fierce, hoof, journey, local, rare

List P: annual, artificial, blend, bore, considerable, crude, evaporate, foliage, gash, hue, increase, nourish, vary, vision, yield

Parent Education Night

Mark your calendars for an exciting, educational evening. Our teachers have heard you and understand that you would like more knowledge about what Montessori looks, sounds, and feels like, how it can benefit you and your child, and a better connection to some of its vocabulary.  On Thursday, December 6 from 5:30-6:30 we will host a night with two prime topics being featured: Grace and Courtesy (Communication, Independence, Movement, and Self-Discipline) and The Benefits of Montessori (how it differs from traditional schooling). After a short introduction together in the small gym, we will break out into groups to discuss the two topics. We look forward to seeing you all there! Any questions can be directed to or