Dr. Seuss Birthday Party!

Dr. Seuss’ birthday is this Friday!  Our class will be joining with several other lower el. classes to celebrate.  Each class will be providing a  different activity. Our class will be having a reading marathon.  Please have your child bring their favorite Dr. Seuss book or any book of their choice.  We would appreciate having each child bring a snack to share.  I have included a link below for Dr. Seuss-themed party foods so you can be really creative if you choose. 


Thank you,

Ms. Krista

Field trip tomorrow!

Our field trip is tomorrow.  Ms. Sharon and I will be waiting out in front of the school by 8:20 to walk with the children to the bus stop.  We will be leaving promptly at 8:30, so please make sure your child is here on time.

Each child needs to bring a sack lunch and disposable water bottle.  Please do not send any other types of drinks or anything that is likely to spill.  We will be eating at the Eccles Conference Center and there are no tables or chairs.

We will be returning to the school by 2pm, so pick-up will be at the usual time.

Thank you,
Ms. Krista

WSU Storytelling Festival

Dear Parents-

I sent home a field trip form and waiver with the following information (please sign it and return by next week):

Our class will be going on a field trip to the Storytelling Festival on Tuesday, Feb. 25.  We will be leaving from the school promptly at 8:30am and taking the UTA bus from Washington Blvd. down to the Eccles Conference Center.  Please make sure you child arrives on time.  We will not be able to wait for anyone who is tardy.    We will return to the school by 2pm. 

Please provide a sack lunch and disposable water bottle.

Please let me know as soon as possible if your child will not be attending the field trip.  There is a minimal fee for each child attending, which will be paid for by the school, but we need to have a final count by the end of next week.

I hope you had a wonderful Valentine’s Day!  Just a reminder that there will be no school on Monday due to President’s Day.  Have a great weekend!

Enjoy these pics from International Festival and Valentine’s Day:

valentine's dayben paisley


Gung Hey Fat Choy!

year of the horse

Happy Chinese New Year!

We celebrated Chinese New Year today by making red envelopes and writing good luck wishes.  Each child drew a name randomly and then wrote a special good luck wish and delivered it in the envelope.  The kids loved getting their own special envelope. Ask your child what their good luck wish was.

Next week is a busy week.

  • South America presentations are due Monday-Wednesday.
  • Parent Teacher Conferences are Wednesday-Friday  (We will also be having a book fair during conferences)
  • International Festival is Thursday.   Hopefully your child gave you the flier that was sent home yesterday.

We will be starting “Pizza Fridays” next week,  Pizza must be purchased weekly by Wednesday for 1.75/slice.  It must be paid for by check or through the school web-site.  We cannot accept cash. You can order up to 4 week in advance and as many slices as you wish.  Pizza will start next Friday so orders and checks will need to be in by Wednesday.

We look forward to seeing you next week!

Ms. Krista


International Festival and Presentation Schedule

The school’s International Festival is coming up soon!  It will take place on February 6th and 7th.  Lower El will present on the 6th from 9:30 – 11:00 AM and Upper El will present on the 7th from 9:30 – 11:00 AM.

The International Festival is a way to explore other cultures from around the world and develop an awareness of our own place in the world.    Each student explores a continent or country and finds a creative way to share what they have learned with the rest of the school.  Most students make a display board, but they can also bring artifacts, clothing, music, and food from their continent or country.  Each student will have the opportunity to go from classroom to classroom and experience all of the cultures as they see the presentations prepared by their schoolmates.  Each student is expected to participate in the festival.

The students in our classroom will be given an opportunity to first present to our class prior to the festival. Below is the schedule

Monday Feb. 3

Lexie, Harrison, Andal, Gareth,Ben S, Kenton, Antonio, Alex, Mason Pocus, Erin, Mckenna

Tuesday Feb. 4

Mason Pack, Jayden, Logan, Leyla,Skye,Carolin, Vinny, Troy, Paisley

Wednesday Feb. 5

Gabby, Ben B., Kade, Jace, John

 Thursday, Feb. 6.

ALL STUDENTS bring presentation board and other items to present to the school.

 I recommend that each student use a tri-fold board for the festival.  They balance better on the desk tops. 






South America assignments

south america

Dear Families

We began our study of South America today starting with Brazil.  All the kids who were here chose the country in South America they wanted to present for the International Festival.  There are only 13 countries and I would like each one to be presented.   Since there were a few countries that weren’t chosen, I went ahead and assigned the students who were absent today to one of those.  Please let me know if that will be a problem. Here is the list of who will be presenting which country:

Argentina–Mason Pocus, Mckenna

Bolivia–Caroline, Gabby

Brazil–Troy, Ben B.

Chile–Leyla, Logan, Lexi, Jayden


Ecuador–Ben S., Harrison

French Guiana–Alex, Mason Pack


Paraguay–Gareth, Vinny

Peru–Kenton, Erin, Paisley




Thank you for your efforts in helping your child prepare for this.  The International Festival is one of the highlights of the year.

Ms. Krista



Welcome Back!

Happy New Year!  I hope everyone had a wonderful break.  The kids were very excited to share what they had done over the break.

We have our Annual International Festival coming up on February 6-7th.  We will be studying South America the 2nd half of the school year.  Therefore, each child will be responsible to prepare a presentation on a country in South America for the festival.  They will have a chance to present it to just our class that week as well.   Parents will be invited to attend the festival.

Their reports should include a visual such as a a tri-fold board for easy viewing during the festival. They are also welcome to bring items from that country, food, music, etc. Ideas for projects include: people, animals, cultural traditions,  history of the country, geographical landmarks, food, music, plants, etc.

I will have a sign-up sheet of South American countries for the students to choose from.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Ms. Krista
