Thank you

Dear Parents,

Ms. Sharon and I wanted to thank you for the flowers, sweet notes, and fruit you sent with your children last week during teacher appreciation.  We truly enjoyed and appreciated your gifts.  Thank you!

Posted below are the links to sign up for Parent Teacher Conferences

Tuesday, May 27

Wednesday, May 28

Thursday, May 29


Also the school is doing a FatBoys fundraiser again.  Please go to the link below for details.






May updates

Dear Parents,

We have a lot of events coming up…

First, I’ve assigned one last home project which will be due the week of May 19.  Each student is to choose an invention that changed the world.  They should research their invention and prepare a presentation for the class.  If your child chooses to do a power point I will need to know a week in advance so I can reserve the projector.

May 5–Third grade party (Thank you to those who are donating items and/or helping out)

May 6–Field trip to “Bears”.  Please have your child here early.  We leave at 8:25.  Don’t forget to send a sack lunch.

May 8–Community-wide evacuation drill.  More information coming from the school.

May 9–We will be watching “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” since we have just finished reading the book.

May 23–Field Day (more details to come)

May 26–Memorial Day (no school)

May 27–Third-grade bridging ceremony.  Early-out 1pm.

May 27-29 –Parent Teacher Conferences  Early-out 1pm

May 30–Yearbook signing.  Last Day of school.  Early-out 1pm







Field trip to “Bears”

Hi Parents,

Ms. Holly and I are taking our classes on a field trip to see the movie “Bears” at the Megaplex Junction theater on May 6. This will be our last field trip this year and the kids are very excited.

We will be taking the UTA bus and will leave the school promptly at 8:25am to catch the bus on Washington Blvd.  Please send a sack lunch with your child as we will be eating at the Municipal Park after the movie.  The cost of the movie is $5.50 and since we no longer have enough money in our field trip fund to cover the cost of this field trip we would greatly appreciate it if you could each provide that amount to the school to cover the ticket expense.

We will be returning to the school by 2pm.

Thank you,

Ms. Krista

Next week

The Sage language test for level 3s will be Monday. We will be testing in Ms. Kacee’s room again.  Please make sure your child brings a water bottle, a small snack, and 2-3 pieces of gum if they would like.  Level 1s and 2s will be joining Ms. Kacee’s and Ms. Holly’s kids.  Please send a small individual snack with them as well.

Our field trip to Tracy Aviary is Thursday.  The bus will be leaving the school promptly at 8:45.  Please have your child here on time that day.  They will need to bring a lunch and water bottle.  I also recommend putting sunscreen on them before they come to school.

Thank you and have a wonderful weekend!



Testing and Field trips

I hope you’ve all been having a wonderful spring break!

Third Grade SAGE test on Tuesday the 8th!

Thirds graders will be taking the writing test on Tuesday.  Please help them to get a good nights sleep and a healthy breakfast. You can also send them with a healthy, non-messy snack. (The children testing with Ms. Rachel will not test on Tuesday. They will test later in the month and I will let you know when that is.) We will be testing in Ms. Kacee’s room. The First and Second graders will spend time in mine and Ms. Holly’s class on Tuesday doing some fun activities.

REMINDER: The Language test will be April 14th and the Math test will be on the 21st.

We will be taking a field trip to Tracy Aviary on April 17th.  We will be going with Ms. Holly’s class on a regular school bus.  The cost will be $4 per student.  I will send more details and the waiver form next week.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

Upcoming assignments, events, and activities


lorakeet parrot

Enjoy these pics from our Birds assembly today!

BOOK REPORTS next Thursday and Friday.  I’ve sent home a flier with suggestions for how the children can present their report. They need to be prepared to explain what the book is about, why they chose it, and a favorite part.  I’ve encouraged them to be creative in how they present their book.  (Thursday presenters: Harrison, Logan, Leyla, Gabby, Mckenna, Troy, Erin, Paisley, Caroline, Alex, Mason Pack.  Friday presenters: Ben S., John, Lexie, Ben B., Kenton, Vinny, Jayden, Kade, Antonio, Mason Pocus, Jace, Gareth, Skye

  • MOVIE NIGHT—Friday, March 28 6-8pm. Featuring “Frozen”.  Tickets are $3. Pay with check at the door or online.  Please come and support this fundraiser for the 6th graders.
  • GALA—March 22 at 6pm Ogden-Weber ATC
  • SPRING BREAK—March 31-April 4. No school.
  • PARENT’S NIGHT OUT! Saturday, April 12, 6-10pm—Elite gymnastics is offering a special evening for children interested in exploring their gymnastics program.  They will enjoy a pizza dinner and gymnastics related games and activities. Costs: $20 for the first child; $15 extra for each sibling (proceeds to benefit 6th grade fieldtrip).  A Flier was sent home today with more information.
  • WE NEED TISSUES!!  We’re not out of the runny-nose season yet. We would really appreciate any donations.  Thank you!



Testing updates

antonio working

March is here already, but we’re still working hard!  Next Friday, March 14, is a Professional Development day so there will be no school.

Standardized testing for the third graders is right around the corner.  Our class’ test dates are as follows:

April 8—writing test

April 14–Language test

April 21–Math test

You play an important part in helping students give their best performance on this test.

Even though this assessment is a snapshot—one single perspective – it is important that our students have every advantage to do their very best.

We don’t want to cause test anxiety, rather we want our students to be as prepared as possible. There are many ways in which you can help your child put his/her best foot forward. The following guidelines can help set our students up for success:

Continue To:

Read to/with your child; make time to discuss what you’ve read. Encourage reading for pleasure regularly.

  1. Know when school projects are due and provide support to help your child complete them.
  2. Provide a regular, quiet place for your child to read or complete school projects.
  3. Set high expectations for work quality and school attendance.
  4. Take an active interest in what your child is doing in school. What is he or she learning? Parents who communicate daily with their child about what they are learning build a strong foundation to demonstrate that learning.

Start a New Routine:

  1. Allow your child to practice at least three times a week (no more than 15-20 minutes) on This website, if used effectively, will help them to practice transferring the hands-on learning they do in the classroom to a technological device similar to what will be used to test their academic proficiency in the Spring.

  1. Because this year’s test also includes a writing/typing portion, it is important that your child be comfortable with typing. is a fun site the children enjoy. Encouraging proper typing skills will help them to transfer the writing lessons they get in class to a computer device. (Home projects are welcome to be typed or handwritten)

Thank you for your continued support and involvement in your child’s education.