plant experiment

Dear Families,

We have really been enjoying school this year with your children.  Above is a picture of our class plant experiment. This is a special experiment to see if our words can affect the growth of a plant.  We have planted bean seeds in two pots.  Each day the children speak kind and encouraging words to one pot in hopes that it will grow faster and better. They are not speaking anything to the other pot, but are just allowing it to grow.  We will see what happens!

Below is a picture of our new school sandbox.  They were so excited to go play in it today for recess.



We had a great peace assembly with our guest speaker/singer, Andrew Kutt on Thursday.  We sang fun songs about the solar system, our earth, and being kind to each other.

Andrew Kutt assembly


Thank you to those who have provided snack for our class so far!  We appreciate your generosity so much!  Thank you for all the support you provide for our class.  We are so happy to be the teachers of your wonderful children!

Class Overview

Dear Parents,

For those who weren’t able to make it for back to school night I’m posting the information that I handed out that night.  This is just a summary of different things we do in our classroom.

Ms. Krista and Ms. Sharon’s class Overview


The first 6 weeks of school are called the “normalization period.” During this time, students learn the rules and organization of the classroom. They become familiar with how to use their individual work-chart and how to work independently, etc. Please have your child at school during this important time.

Cultural Subjects:

The cultural subjects include history, botany, geography, zoology, and physiology.  Please let me know if you are willing to share knowledge or expertise in any of these areas.

Friday Schedule:

The lower-elementary students will rotate through music, art, and P.E. classes throughout the morning from 8:40-11:30am. Friday afternoon will focus on our Continent Studies—Africa (first semester) and Europe (second semester)

Teacher/Parent Communication:

I will be using the class blog for listing upcoming events and information.  Please Subscribe to my blog by going to  Click “Subscribe to Ms. Krista’s class by email”.  You will receive an email asking you to verify.  Click the link to verify.  You will then automatically receive an email each time I post something on the blog.    If you need to get in touch with me please email me or call me at the school number. If you need to talk about issues regarding your child I am happy to make an appointment with you.

Celebrations of Life:
This is a celebration in honor of your child’s birthday.  Parents are invited to attend. Please provide a picture and brief explanation for each year of your child’s life. Sorry, no food or party favors are allowed.  If your child has a summer birthday then I will schedule his or her celebration of life sometime midyear.

Continent Study Project:
During each semester each child will be assigned to do a presentation on a country or territory in the continent we are studying. This semester each child will be assigned a country in Africa.   The International Festival will be held in December this year.  Each child will need to be prepared to present a country from the continent of Africa at the festival.  I will provide more details as we get closer.

Home-Based Projects:
Each student will be expected to do a home-based project several times during the year, which also includes book reports. This is an opportunity for them to do a presentation on something they are excited to learn about and share with the rest of the class. I will provide more information as they are assigned.

Research has shown that reading for at least 20 minutes a day helps create successful readers and writers. I highly encourage you to have your child read to you at home daily.

Seasonal Clothing:
Please make sure your child is adequately dressed for the seasonal changes. They will need boots, gloves, hats, and coats during the cold weather season. Please always send a jacket as the weather can change unexpectedly.


Please have your child here on time. It is very distracting and disruptive to our line time and work-cycle when students arrive late. Students are allowed 5 unexcused absences a year. Please contact the office if you know your child will be absent. Students are allowed 5 tardies per quarter. If tardies exceed this amount the student may be referred to the administration. (Please read through the parent handbook at for complete policy guidelines.)

In an effort to keep all our students and teachers healthy, please keep your child home if they are sick. Students are not allowed to call from the classroom phone. If a child needs to call home they will need to go to the office. Parents will be notified if their child has a fever or is throwing-up.

Water bottles:
Each child is expected to have their own water bottle in the classroom. Water bottles will be sent home on Friday to be washed. Please return them on Monday.

Snack is a part of MMA’s philosophy. Preparation. An online sign up sheet is used for our classroom snack. You will find the link on my blog under “sign-ups”.  If everyone can sign up for at least 2 different weeks during the year than snacks will be covered! Snacks also need to be healthy to follow MMA’s health policy.

We have one microwave in our class for use during lunch time. Many children bring lunches that need to be heated. Please make sure all microwavable items will take no longer than 2 minutes to heat.
Field trips:
I will be scheduling several fieldtrips during the year. Transportation is a challenge and we need authorized drivers. Please talk to the office if you are willing to become an authorized driver for our class fieldtrips.

Please be sure and read the monthly school newsletter for upcoming information. Look at the school calendar for important events and no-school days and early outs.

We look forward to teaching your children this year!

Ms. Krista and Ms. Sharon

Back to School night reminder!

Dear Parents,

I wanted to remind everyone about back to school night this Thursday, September 4th from 6:30-7:30.  This is for parents only.  We will be having an informal open house where you can come, see your child’s class, and talk with me and Ms. Sharon for a few moments. Sign-ups will be available for anyone who would like to volunteer to help out with our class for field trips, reading, educational presentations, etc.

We’re looking forward to seeing you all!

Ms. Krista

First week!

Dear Families,

We had a great first week getting to know our new students and returning students!  We spent a lot of time getting to know each other and learning new names and classroom procedures.  Overall, things went very smoothly!  Thank you for sending your children prepared with their supplies.  We now have things organized and ready to go!

Next week we will easing into more lessons and work.  We will also be starting our new Daily 5 reading curriculum.  We are still in need of new and used books to add to our classroom library.  We would appreciate any donations you would be willing to make.

Parent Orientation will be Thursday, September 4th from 6:30-7:30. Come anytime during that hour to meet Ms. Krista and Ms. Sharon and look around our classroom.  We are looking forward to meeting the parents of all our wonderful students!

If you are interested and willing to become a certified driver for classroom field trips, Academic West will be available during that hour to get your background check and fingerprinting completed. This would greatly benefit our class in allowing us to take more field trips throughout the year.  They will also be able to answer questions you might have about this process.


Snack sign-up reminder!

Dear Families,

School is starting Monday!  This is just a reminder that we would really appreciate it if everyone could each sign up to bring snack for 2 weeks during the school year.  We still don’t have anyone signed up to bring snack in the first week of school.   If you are having trouble accessing the snack sign-up link, try copy and pasting the link in a new tab instead of clicking on it directly.  Thank you!

Here it is again:

We have 30 students.  Here are some snack suggestions:

  • • Raisins or other dried fruit
  • • Granola or granola bars
  • • Crackers
  • • Trail mix
  • • Pretzels
  • • Goldfish crackers
  • • Cheezits
  • • Rice cakes
  • • pickles
  • • Graham crackers
  • • Tortilla chips & salsa
  • • Nuts
  • • Cheese (block, sticks, etc)
  • Dry cereal
  • Bagels and cream cheese
  • Orange juice, apple juice, white grape juice, (nothing that could stain the carpet)
  • Whole wheat bread, or other healthy bread varieties
  • Fresh fruit;apples, bananas, grapes, strawberries, etc
  • Canned fruit; peaches, pears, etc.
  • Pre-cut veggies: cucumbers, carrots, celery, etc. with Ranch dressing
  • fruit snacks
  • Yogurt and granola
  • gogurts

*** Please no candy, pop, or red juices

Exciting online reading program!

Dear Families,

A parent of one of my students has generously paid for a subscription for our entire class to use an online reading program call Raz Kids. This subscription includes access to dozens of books (fiction and non-fiction) through a range of reading levels. So far my student who has been using it at home loves it and his mom is very excited about this reading program. We’ve also heard great things from other parents who have used it.

I have added each student to my class account. You will just need to go to and go to student login. The user name is: mskristasclass. From there you will just select your child’s name from the list and they can start reading. I have tried to match each of my returning students with their appropriate reading level. However, I had to estimate the ability of many new students. Please let me know if I need to adjust the reading level for your child. I really encourage you to have your child log-on soon and check it out.

Have fun reading!

Ms. Krista

School supply list 2014-2015

Dear Families,

For those of you watching for back-to-school sales I am sending out my student supply list.  I hope you are all having a wonderful summer!!

Please label the following items with child’s name

  • Crayola Twist-Up Colored Pencils (not the twist-up crayons)–large package
  • Lunch Box
  • Refillable Water Bottle
  • 6  Composition Notebooks
  • 2 Pentel Mechanical pencils (Target and Wal-Mart have their own brand of Pentel pencils-they are either blue or black).
  • .05 Lead–3 packages
  • 1 Pair of Scissors
  • Binder pencil pouch
  • 2 sturdy Plastic 3-prong Pocket Folders (color specified by grade)  1st graders–2 green folders;  2nd graders–2 blue folders; 3rd graders-2 red folders
  • Slippers with sturdy soles.  Can be “Croc” style.  No flip-flops or cartoon characters.

 Please do not label these items:

  • 2 large pink erasers
  • Kleenex – 2 square boxes
  • “Select-A-Size” Paper Towels – 1 roll
  • Crayola washable markers
  • watercolor set–8 color
  • Hand Sanitizer–1 large bottle
  • Gallon, quart, and sandwich size zip lock baggies
  • 4 dry erase black markers (fine point)

In an effort to add to our classroom library this year we are asking for a donation of 2-3 children’s books (new or used) from each student. The books can be fiction or non-fiction. You can find inexpensive books at the D.I. or other thrift stores. This is optional, but I think it will greatly enhance the literary environment of our class.

Also, we are looking for a donation of 1 or 2 microwaves.  Please email me if you have one you would be willing to donate.  Thank you!


End of school events

Dear Parents,

Tuesday we’ll be having our annual class lunch party.  We are asking each child to contribute one item for the lunch. We sent home a little index card with your child’s item written on it.  Please let me know if you didn’t see the card, or if you won’t be able to send the item so we can make other arrangements.  They will not need to bring a lunch that day, just their item. Thank you for your support with this activity.  The kids are really looking forward to this event!

Thursday–please send a sack lunch with your child.  We will be having a picnic lunch with the kindergarten to welcome them to lower-elementary.

Friday is field day. Please put sunscreen on your child before they come to school.  We will be outside all morning.  Each child can bring a towel and wear a swimming suit under their clothes. For girls, their swimming suit needs to be a one piece (NO 2-PIECE OR TANKINI).  The North Ogden Fire Dept. will be coming to the school at 2:15 pm to squirt the kids with water in the school field area.

Crazy Days/School Spirit

May 27th – Read-a-thon and clean-a–thon.  3-grade Bridging Ceremony at 11:30.

May 28th – Crazy hair/hat Day

May 29th – Crazy sock day

May 30th – Pajama Day/Yearbook signing