History home projects

Dear Families,

It is time for another home project.  This semester we are studying History.  Each level will be focusing on a particular topic for this assignment based on the area of history to be covered.  Each project needs to include a visual aid (I always enjoy seeing how each student chooses to creatively present their project).  Projects will be due the week of February 9.   I will send a schedule out the first week of February.

Here are the projects to be completed by level:

Level 1:  I would like each level one to research the life of someone special in their family (extended or immediate).  This can be someone who has either passed-away or is still living.  I want them to present that person’s history for their project.

Level 2:   I would like each level two to research a planet in our solar system.  I would like each planet covered so I have randomly selected a planet for each level 2

Lexie: Mercury

Chloe: Venus

Gareth: Earth

Harrison: Mars

Jace: Jupiter


Mckenna: Uranus

John: Neptune

Level 3:   I would like each level three to research a particular dinosaur and the time period the dinosaur existed.

I hope your child has fun getting their project ready.  We look forward to seeing them!

Ms. Krista


Due to the short week, we will not be having spelling tests this week.

The boxtops store will be open Jan. 21.  Please send all saved boxtops with your child that day.

Reminder about pizza Friday:  Money is due on Wednesdays.  The cost is 1.75 per slice.  Please put money in an envelope and write all information on the outside.  Student name, Teacher name, number of slices orders, amount paid.

Hof German Fest

Dear Families,

Since we are focusing on Europe this semester I wanted to let you know about a fun, cultural event that is taking place this weekend.  The Hof German Fest starts today at the Golden Spike Event Center. The hours are 11am-10pm and it goes through Saturday.  I went last year and it was a lot of fun.  Great food, music, dancing, chocolate, etc.  For more details visit this website: www.hofgermanfest.com  or http://www.standard.net/Music/2015/01/08/Germany-comes-to-Ogden-for-annual-festival

Have a great weekend!

Ms. Krista


Europe Continent Studies–volunteers needed

We are starting our study of Europe this semester.  If you or someone you know has been to Europe and would be willing to present what they experienced to the class we would really appreciate it!  The students are always so excited when parents or others come in and do a presentation.  It can be very simple– showing pictures, power point, souvenirs, or whatever you would like to do.  We have our continent studies on Friday afternoon, unless it’s an early-out day.  Please let me know if you would be willing to do this.

Thank you!

Ms. Krista