
An important part of a Montessori classroom is snack.  This allows the children to practice the practical life skills of preparing and serving food as well as cleaning and caring for the kitchen environment.  I have created a sign up sheet for you to sign up to provide snack for the class.  Check it out here: There is also a link on the right side bar for future reference.  When you sign up, you are responsible for bringing snack for the week for 27 students.  On Thursdays our class has computer lab, PE, and music.  The snack for this day will need to be something quick, such as a granola bar or string cheese.  Please let me know ASAP if your child has any food allergies or dietary restrictions.  The snacks will need to be healthy.  Please don’t bring anything that is sugary or that will cause large messes or stains.  Some ideas are:

fruits and vegetables


bagels and cream cheese

fruit leather

granola bars



graham crackers

goldfish crackers


dry cereal

rice cakes

We have a small refrigerator in our classroom, but it does not hold a lot.  Please limit refrigerated items to one or two small items per week.

Please let me know if you have any questions.  Thank you for your support!




Welcome to another fantastic school year!  I am so excited to meet all of my new students and reconnect with my returning students.  The main source of communication for our class will be through this class blog. It is very important that you subscribe to receive updates.  Please click on the link in the right column to subscribe by e-mail.  You will receive an e-mail with a link to confirm your subscription.  You must click the link in order to be subscribed and notified of blog updates.

I hope to see all of you at the Back To School Pool Party on Tuesday, August 2nd from 7-9 PM at the North Shore Aquatic Center in North Ogden.  In addition to swimming and making new friends, you will have the opportunity to sign up to volunteer for various activities at the school and purchase school spirit shirts.  Concessions will also be available for purchase.

For more back to school information, please refer to the latest school newsletter here:

To keep up to date on everything happening at Maria Montessori Academy, please subscribe to the school’s main blog.  When you look at the newsletter, there is a link in the right column at the bottom to subscribe.  Follow the same steps as you did to subscribe to our class blog.

When purchasing new school clothing, please refer to the school’s dress code here:  You can also purchase school spirit shirts, which can be worn in lieu of a collared shirt, from this link:

Now, here’s what you’ve all been waiting for:  The School Supply List! 

Here are the supplies for the 2016-2017 school year.  Please feel free to use supplies you still have from last year if they are in good shape.  The students will be keeping their own supplies. Please label everything with your child’s first and last names.  The binder should be labeled on the spine.  It is helpful if supplies are unpackaged before the students bring them to school.  The dividers and page protectors can be put into the binder.  The pencils, scissors, etc. can be put into the pencil box.  If you are unable to purchase these supplies, please let me know.

White 1 1/2″  three ring binder  (New students only.  Returning students should use their portfolio from last year.  Please make sure you bring it back to school if you brought it home over the summer.)

25 page protectors

1 package of 5 dividers with pockets  (New students only)

1 package loose leaf notebook paper

1 or 2 packages 24 Ticonderoga pencils (These are the only pencils that hold up!)

1 package 24 colored pencils

6 wide ruled composition notebooks

1 pair scissors

1 ruler

1 pencil box

2 plastic 3 prong folders with pockets (any colors)

indoor shoes (slippers, crocs, etc.  No characters)

reusable water bottle

These supplies are optional but appreciated and helpful in the classroom:




paper towels


handheld pencil sharpener

glue stick or bottle of school glue

graph paper

pillow or cushion for sitting on the floor more comfortably

dry erase markers


Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.  I prefer that you use my school e-mail ( to communicate, rather than replying through the blog. I am so excited to see all of you and embark on this journey together!





6th grade graduation

Our 6th grade graduation/bridging ceremony will be on Wednesday, May 25th at 10:30 AM.  I would like to invite 6th grade parents to join us for breakfast at 9:00 AM before the ceremony.

All students in the class will be joining us for breakfast.  I would like this to be a gift for the 6th graders and their parents.  If you are a 4th or 5th grade parent and would like to help with the breakfast, please sign up here :


Parent Teacher Conferences

Its time for our last round of Parent Teacher Conferences!  This is a student led conference, so your child should plan to attend.  Its their chance to share all that they have learned throughout the school year and talk about goals for next year.  Please use the Wejoinin link to sign up for a time slot.  If none of these times work for you and you’d still like to meet, please e-mail me at to set up an alternate time.

Also, don’t forget to check out the book fair during conferences!

SAGE Testing

Just a quick reminder that our class will be doing the SAGE Math test tomorrow morning.  Please send your child to school well rested and make sure they eat a nutritious breakfast.  Send them with a healthy snack and a water bottle.  Encourage them to take their time and try their best.  They can do this!

Dates to Remember

May 5th  7:00pm Spring MAPA Meeting – Budget and Officer Vote
May 6th  No School! Rest and Ramp Up for next 3 weeks! 🙂
May 11th  Math SAGE testing
May 12th  6:30pm  5th Grade Parent Meeting (Welcome to the Redwoods!)
School Spirit Days
May 16th – Dress as favorite book character
May 17th – Crazy Sock
May 18th – Crazy Hat/Hair
May 19th – PJ Day
May 20th – Field Day – Dress Down Day
May 16th and 17th  Class field trip to Pizza Man (we are going in 2 separate groups)
May 19th SAGE Science testing
May 19th 6:00-8:00pm Spring Choir Concert
May 20th  All 4th and 5th grade continent/country presentations need to be completed

May 25th  10:30 AM 6th grade graduation on the field.  6th grade parents are invited to come to the school at 9:00 AM and join us for a special breakfast before the graduation.

May 26th Last Day of School!!! – Yearbook Distribution and staff vs. 6th grade kickball game

Parent/Teacher Conferences
Conferences are on May 24th, 25th, and 26th.



Dinosaur Park field trip

Our field trip to the Dinosaur Park last Friday was so much fun!  I loved it!  I think we all had a great time.  The weather cooperated and walking outside was refreshing and invigorating.  We had an interesting lesson from a paleontologist.  I was so proud of how well the students listened and participated.  They were able to answer many questions and asked some really great questions as well.  One of my favorite parts of the day was when the paleontologist was talking about the Tyrannosaurus Rex being the biggest dinosaur.  Some of the students raised their hands and told him that they had read in their Scholastic News magazine that the Titanosaur was the biggest dinosaur.  The paleontologist disagreed and they had a great discussion about it.  When we got back to school on Monday, we found the article in the Scholastic News and sent it to him with a note asking what he thought.  I hope he replies!  I thought it was so awesome that the students remembered something that they had read and studied about in the Scholastic News magazine and were able to discuss it with the paleontologist.  I love Scholastic News, but the students haven’t always been excited about it.

Here’s a great picture of us at the end of our field trip after we walked back to the Botanical Gardens.  I love how you can see the personalities coming out on the children’s faces.



Continent/Country/State Reports and 6th grade essays

The 6th graders were given a State report assignment months ago.  It was due on April 1st.  As of now, I have only received 2 reports.  Please remind your 6th graders about this assignment and encourage them to complete it and turn it in.

The 6th graders who attended the Redwoods field trip were given an essay assignment from Ms. Stephanie.  The essay is due on Monday, May 9th.  It should be 5-6 paragraphs.  The essay should include 2 things they learned as far as science and curriculum goes.  It should also include 2 things they learned about themselves (in their teams and individually) and how they have grown as a person.  The essay must also have introduction and conclusion paragraphs.

The 4th and 5th graders were given an assignment to study a continent and a country within that continent.  This is similar to the projects they did for the International Festival in December.  They were given research packets a couple of weeks ago and have been given class time to work on them.  I have encouraged them to be creative with their presentations.  They can make a poster, a power point presentation, a travel brochure, a diorama, a model, etc.  They can dress up like someone from their country, bring food to try, or bring in a special guest.  They can choose one thing about their country that they find interesting and focus their presentation on that thing.  It is really up to them, but they must do the research packet and give a presentation of some sort to the class.  This project needs to be completed and presented by May 20th.  I will likely have the students sign up for a day to present so that we don’t have an overwhelming number of presentation in the same day.  Please let me know if you have any questions.