Original Works

Just a reminder that tomorrow, November 14th, is the last day to order Original Works.  After tomorrow, the gallery will be closed and you will no longer be able to access your artwork.  These make wonderful holiday gifts and all purchases help our classroom directly!  You can direct any questions to Rachael Bush at rachael.bush@gmail.com.

Thank You!

This week


Thank you so much to those of you who volunteered at the Fall Festival Friday night!  It was a huge success and I am so thankful for all of the help.

Thank you also to those of you who donated food for our class food drive.  We’ve filled up the barrel and it will be delivered to Catholic Community Services tomorrow!

This week we are having parent teacher conferences.  School will get out at 1:00PM on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.  There is no school on Thursday and Friday.  If you haven’t signed up for a conference yet, you can still sign up here:  https://www.wejoinin.com/sheets/mljsc.  I look forward to meeting with you!

There will be a book fair in the library during conferences.  The students always get so excited about this!  Please check it out if you get a chance.

The students have a home project due on Wednesday.  We have been studying the Tundra biome and the students are each studying a different Tundra animal.  They were given a research packet to guide their research and they are to type their actual report.  They are also doing a diorama of their animal in its environment.  I can’t wait to see them!

As always, please contact me if you have any questions or concerns.  kgonzales@mariamontessoriacademy.org


Fall Festival!


This Friday, October 14th, is our school’s annual Fall Festival!  It runs from 4-7 PM.  Our class has been asked to help out with some of the games at the festival.  There is a Ladder Golf Game that is the responsibility of the parents from our class.  There is also the Airborne blow up ride that needs to be manned by our 6th graders and their parents.  This is a wonderful opportunity to get some of the volunteer hours that are required by our school.  Please, please, please sign up to help if you can.  Here is a message from our head room mom, Shanna Klaasesz, as well as a sign up sheet.

Dear Sixth Grade parents,
We are getting ready for our annual Fall Festival. To make an event like this successful it takes team work. Our Sixth graders have the opportunity to earn their service hours by volunteering to help run a ride. You and your sixth grader get to work together in running the Airborne ride for only 20 min during the festival. This will allow everyone to have plenty of time to enjoy the festival.You will be partnered with another parent volunteer to assist you with the ride. Click the following link to pick your desired time. Please arrive at the ride 5 min. early so we explain what you will be doing and so we can keep the ride running smoothly.
Thank you for your participation in this fun activity.
Shanna Klaasesz
Room Mom
Dear Parents,
We are getting ready for our annual Fall Festival. My kids always look forward to this fun event. To make an event like this successful it takes team work and participation. Our class has been given the opportunity and assignment to help run a game. We need  volunteers to help with the game called Ladder Golf. We are only asking for 20 min of your time so everyone can have plenty of time enjoying the festival.You will be partnered with another parent volunteer to assist you with the game. Click the following link to sign up for a time slot to volunteer. Please arrive a little early for your set time so we can keep the game running smoothly.
Thank you for your participation in this fun activity.
Shanna Klaasesz
Room Mom


I can hardly believe that it is already October!  This year is going by so fast.  It has been a wonderful, busy, and fun first six weeks of school.  At this point, we are fully engaged in work cycle, special classes, and cultural lessons.  Your students are becoming more and more independent in planning and completing their works.  In fact, most of them are thriving under the responsibility.  We have had many math lessons over the last two weeks and it feels good to be making progress.  The fifth graders had a breakthrough during their decimals lesson last week that literally had me cheering and doing a happy dance!   Your students are working hard and learning lots!

Your children did a great job on their book reports last Friday!  It was the most students I have ever had turn a home project in on time.  It is also one of the only times I have ever had every student in the class turn in a book report.  Hooray!

I want to give one last push for our class’s food drive.  We have only filled our barrel halfway and we’d really like to fill it up before we turn it in.  Please bring in some food if you are able!

We have three field trips coming up this month.  The 4th graders have a field trip to the American West Heritage Center on the 12th.  The whole class is going to the Nature Center on the 24th from 9-11 AM.  I was also able to schedule a field trip to the Hogle Zoo on October 31st.  If you are a certified driver and would be willing to help drive for the Nature Center and Hogle Zoo trips, please let me know ASAP.

Just FYI, we ran out of time to write down our new spelling and vocabulary words in our planners on Friday.  You can check the planner for the new words tomorrow.

Thanks so much for sharing your wonderful children with me.  They are making progress and doing great!  Please e-mail me with any questions or concerns.  kgonzales@mariamontessoriacademy.org

Year at a Glance

Here is an overview of our school year.  Be aware that this is subject to change, especially as we add more field trips.

Year at a Glance


Ms. Kirsten and Ms. Petra’s Class


16th   Studio Friday begins

17th   MMA 5K and Pancake Breakfast

20th   Boxtops Store

21st   International Peace Day

22nd   Positive Discipline Workshop 6-8PM

23rd   Book Reports Due (Fiction)

23rd   Early Release 1:00PM


1st   Normalization Ends

12th   4th Grade Field Trip to America West Heritage Center

14th   MMA Fall Festival

17th-19th   Parent Teacher Conferences/Early Release Days/Book Fair

18th   Boxtops Store

19th   Tundra Animal or Plant Research Project Due

20th-21st   Fall Break

24th   Nature Center Field Trip


11th   Early Release 1:00PM

11th   Veteran’s Day Report Due

15th   Boxtops Store

17th   MMA Gratitude Feast

18th   Mustache Sales

21st-25th   No School


5th   Nutcracker Ballet Field Trip

9th   Early Release 1:00PM

9th   Holiday Feast

19th   International Festival

19th   Continent/Country Reports Due

20th   Boxtops Store

21st   Winter Break Begins


4th   Back to School

6th   Studio Begins

13th   No School

16th   No School

17th   Boxtops Store

25th   5th Grade Field Trip to JA Biztown


6th-10th   Carnation Sales

8th   Science Fair (6th and 8th Grade)

15th-17th   Parent Teacher Conference/Early Release/Book Fair

20th  No School

21st   Boxtops Store

24th   Studio Begins

27th-March 3rd   Literacy Week


6th   Biography Book Report Due (May choose a person for Black History Month or Women’s History Month)

17th   Early Release 1:00PM

20th   No School

21st   Boxtops Store

25th   MMA Gala Fundraiser

29th   6th Grade Field Trip to the Planetarium

4th Grade Utah History Project Due (date to come)

5th Grade STEM Project Due (date to come)


3rd-7th   Spring Break

18th   Boxtops Store

21st   Early Release 1:00Pm

30th-May 5th   6th Grade Field Trip to the Redwoods

History Fair and STEM Fair date to be announced


16th   Boxtops Store

19th   Continent/Country/State Study Due

22nd-24th   Parent Teacher Conference/Early Release/Book Fair

25th-26th   Early Release 1:00PM

26th   Last Day of School


Just a few quick reminders…

Tomorrow is the Boxtops store!  Please send your precut Boxtops to school and your child can exchange them for some fun trinkets.

Tomorrow is also our school’s skate night at Classic Fun Center!   It is from 5-9PM.  Dinner is available for $3 per person.  This is such a fun night!

Book reports are due on Friday!  I can’t wait to see all of the students’ presentations!

RUMBI Wednesdays!

Beginning Wednesday, September 21st, MMA will be offering our families the opportunity to purchase a rice bowl from Rumbi Grill every Wednesday for their child’s lunch. All proceeds from the purchases will go towards our 6th and 9th grade end of year fieldtrips. Your choices will consist of:
Teriyaki Chicken & Veggie with White Rice- $4.00
Orange Chicken with White Rice- $4.00
To order a rice bowl on Wednesday’s for your child, please follow the payment link below:
Orders must be submitted by the Monday prior to Rumbi Wednesday. Any orders submitted after Monday, will be added to the following week’s order. For any questions regarding Rumbi Wednesday, please contact Melanie in the front office.  (msingleton@mariamontessoriacademy.org)