Friday’s field trip

Just a reminder that our 4th and 5th graders will be going on a field trip this Friday, April 29th, to the dinosaur park.  There seems to be some confusion about transportation for that day.  Students should be dropped off at school at normal time and picked up from school at normal time.  Parent drivers will transport students from school to the dinosaur park.  Students should dress appropriately for the weather as we will be spending lots of time outside.  Sunscreen will be a good idea if it is sunny.  Make sure they have a lunch and water bottle.  The dinosaur park said that we can bring as many parents as we want, so please let me know if you would like to come along.  We’d love to have you!  Just be aware that you will need to pay $3 admission.  It should be a fun day!


SAGE testing and a field trip

Tomorrow our class will be doing our SAGE writing test.  Please make sure your students have a restful evening and get a good night’s sleep.  Have them eat a healthy breakfast and bring a nutritious lunch.  Healthy snacks and water bottles are also helpful.  We have spent the last two days reviewing and preparing and it has been rough for some of the students.  Tell them to relax and have a positive attitude.  They can do this!

Also, the 4th and 5th graders will be going on a field trip to the Dinosaur Park on Friday, April 29th while the 6h graders are in California.  If you are a certified driver and can help transport students and chaperone that day, please let me know ASAP.  My e-mail address is  Permission slips were sent home today, so ask your students for them.

One final note, please remind your students that there are still 5 weeks of school left!  We still have learning to do.  Some students have given up already and shifted to summer vacation mode.  Believe me, I understand!  I just want us to finish the year strong and not just coast along until school gets out.

Thanks for all you do!


pictures, permission slips, and cooking


A quick reminder that tomorrow our class will be taking a class picture for the yearbook.  We’ve been told not to wear white.

Please remind your 5th graders to bring their permission slips for the maturation program that is happening on March 9th.

If your child is in cooking for their studio Friday class with either me or Mr. John, please sign up to bring supplies if you are able.  We really need parent support for it to be a success.  It is such a fun class and the students love it!

Thanks for all you do!


Busy, Busy!

I wanted to thank all of you who attended parent teacher conferences last week!  I LOVE having the opportunity to meet with each of you and talk about your wonderful children.  Conferences also re-energize me and help me focus on each of the students and their goals and things we have to work on.  If you were unable to attend conferences, please e-mail me so we can set up a time to meet.  I would still love the chance to talk with you.  I always reflect on parent teacher conferences and wonder if I said the right things in the right way and got the right message across.  There are always moments that I wish I could do over again.  I hope that above all, despite my imperfections, that the message you received is that I love your children.  I love teaching them.  I love helping them achieve their goals and reach their full potential.  I love getting to know them and spending time with them.  They are amazing.

Also, thank you for all of the beautiful Valentines!

Now on to other business…

Tomorrow is the 4th and 5th grade science fair!  The 6th graders’ science fair is on Thursday!  Students need to have their projects set up in the gym right at 8:30.  Parents can help with the set up, but will need to leave immediately after.  There will be an open house from 3:00-5:00 PM for visitors to come and look at all of the science projects on both days of the science fair.

There are a lot of activities happening next week.  Monday, February 22nd, our class is holding a talent show!  It will be in the gym at 9:00 AM.  Parents are invited to attend.  If your child doesn’t want to perform in the talent show, I would love for them to bring a piece of art or something that they can display on a table.

Tuesday, February 23rd, our class is going on a field trip to the Leonardo Museum in Salt Lake.  Please plan to drop off your student at the Ogden Front Runner Station by 7:45 AM and plan to pick them up at the same place at 3:00 PM.  If you have other children to pick up at MMA, please pick up at the Front Runner Station first, and then go to MMA.  Students will need to pack a lunch.  If you are interested in attending this field trip as a chaperone, please e-mail me at and let me know so I can get that organized.

Thursday, February 25th, we will be taking a class picture for the yearbook.  We have been asked not to wear white that day.

As always, please have your students be using IXL, Utah Compose, and SAGE at home for practice.  I am happy to have students stay after school who need extra help or don’t have access to a computer.

Thanks for all of your support!




With Valentine’s Day falling on a Sunday this year and there being no school on Friday or Monday, we will be celebrating on Thursday, February 11th.  We will be having a “Fall in Love with Reading” day.  Students may bring books, blankets, pillows, and one stuffed animal for a read a thon.  Students may bring valentines to exchange, but need to be sure to bring one for each student in the class.  We have 24 students.  Also, they will need to bring a bag or box of some sort to collect their valentines.

Parent Teacher Conferences are this week on February 9th, 10th, and 11th.  These days will all be early out days and school will be dismissed at 1 PM.

The science fair is coming up on February 17th and 18th!  I still need project titles from a few students.  I need those ASAP!  For some great science fair guidelines, examples of display boards, etc., check out this link:    We are also still in need of volunteers, so let me know if you can help.

Our class is going on a field trip on February 23rd to the Leonardo Museum.  I still need a few permission slips.

Our school is also having a ski night on Tuesday, Feb 23rd at Nordic Valley @ 4pm. $12.50 for pass, $28.50 pass and rental, $48.50 pass, rental and lesson.  Registration will be during Parent Teacher Conferences from 1-6 PM.

I would like to remind you and your students that there are many online resources that they should be using to practice the skills that we are learning at school.  There is IXL, MyOn, UtahCompose, and SAGE.  Unfortunately, we don’t have the time or resources for the students to get adequate practice at school and therefore, they need to be practicing at home.  If this is not possible or is challenging for your family, please let me know.  I would be willing to have students stay after school to use our classroom computers and get some extra help and practice.

As always, please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.  I look forward to meeting with you at conferences this week!


Science Fair!

The science fair is coming up on February 17th for 4th and 5th graders and February 18th for 6th and 8th graders.  I need the exact title and a brief description of your child’s project e-mailed to me ASAP.  It needs to be the title that will appear on their display board.

Also, Ms. Paula is in desperate need of volunteers to help at the science fair.  Here is a message from her:

Science Fair volunteers needed 17 and 18 February 2016.   Maria Montessori Academy will be having our annual science fair for the 4th and 5th graders on the 17th and for the 6th and 8th graders on the 18th of February.  This is always an exciting time for our students and we need your help to make this a fun and memorable event.  We need parent volunteers to help with a variety of tasks from set-up/clean-up, judging, judging coordinators, score keepers and snacks.  No experience necessary for most of the tasks.  Please contact Paula Dugan at or your child’s teacher if you would like to volunteer. 

Also, don’t forget to sign up for parent teacher conferences!

Thanks for all you do!
