Constitution Day Field Trip


Our field trip to the Freedom’s Light Festival to celebrate Constitution Day is this Friday!  I’m looking forward to it!  At this point, I have all of the permission slips except one (you know who you are).  We have enough drivers to transport all of our students.  Thanks for all of the volunteers!  The drivers I have listed as attending are:  Edgar Renteria, Claire Huking, Mandalyn Penrod, Shanna Klaasesz, Jody Gold, Krista Naylor, and Nicole Hodgson.  I also have Josie, Ashley, and Carson who are riding with their own parents.  Please let me know if I have made a mistake.  We are meeting at North Shore at 8:15 AM so that we can be sure to leave no later than 8:30 AM.  Students need to bring a lunch, a snack, and a water bottle.  At this point there is a 70% chance of rain for Friday, so please dress appropriately for the weather, including bringing an umbrella.  Let me know if you have any questions!


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