Weekly Update


Studio Friday is starting next week and the students are so excited!  Studio Friday is an opportunity for the students to experience different classes with different teachers and students.  They will learn everything from art to simple machines to cooking.  I sent home some papers today that need to be filled out and signed and returned on Monday.

I am still missing some permission slips from the 4th graders for the AWHC field trip.  Please have those signed and returned ASAP.  If you would like to make a donation for this field trip, you can pay cash at the office if you have exact change or you can write a check.  Thank you!

The 6th graders started using the Singapore Math books this week.  Most of them were excited about it, but I’m sure that will wear off relatively quickly.  They will receive 1-2 assignments per week from that book and these assignments will need to be completed at home.  So far they have done really well!

I just want to give a quick reminder about planners.  Our student planners are an integral part of what we do in the classroom and are a great tool to aid students is planning and organizing their day.  It also helps them learn responsibility.  Most of the students are doing really well with their planners, however, there are some students who haven’t had their planners in quite some time.  Please help your children keep track of their planners and remind them to bring them to school and home every day.

The MMA Cafe is now up and running!  The Jr. High and 6th graders are selling some lunch items, drinks, and snacks at school on Tuesdays and Thursdays during lunch as a fundraiser.  As of now, the menu is as follows, but more items will be added throughout the school year:

Chocolate Milk  ($1.00)  Capri Sun ($75 cents)  Microwave Mac n Cheese ($1.50)  Pancakes (chocolate chip or blueberry 3 for 75 cents)  Fruit Snacks (50 cents)  and Fruit/Nut bites (25 cents)
Have a wonderful weekend!

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